August 22 2018

Batman toys…. the batman cave… from the 1990’s… Kylo Ren

Today is my day off. I’m out of my house and doing a mix of personal stuff and errands online such as ordering a textbook for a class I start next week and other stuff.

I’m sitting in a McD’s sipping my $1 tea and watching as an employee is across the partially empty restaurant and mumbling to himself about Batman and whatever else crosses his mind. He is harmless and appears to be kind souled. He has graying hair and has a thin frame that puts him at about 5’6″.

Am I picking on him by describing him here? No, he is a person just like everyone else. I’m observing him no differently than I anything else.

But Dave you haven’t mentioned other people in your driveling rants before?

Partially true… he said ‘Batman’ which caught my ear. I also just happen to be in a writing mode so he has become the focus of my thoughts. So its just chance and circumstance mixed in with some undeniable BATraction.

Yes, I went there. I went down the Batcave.


*(And Dwight is doesn’t count as a person since she is such a bitch in the canine sense)


My god the wifi at this place sucks. It’s so friggin slow. It’s like Mr. Freeze- aagghhh…

(pulls out my mifi device)





Posted 2018/08/22 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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