December 28 2016

My Raspberry Pi Page

Hello and welcome to my page of Pi.

Errr… what are you talking about?

Back in 2011/12(???) the Raspberry Pi was born. It was a miniature computer ($35) which was meant to be a learning platform as well as a project for tinkerers. I bought a 1st generation board and as life would have it, ignored it as I didn’t have the time to devote to getting it up (pun intended).

Fast forward to 2016 and I bought myself another (+$35), this being the third generation of the device. Here are so links to some of the issues I have been having. Don’t expect anything coherent, just ramblings… GET OFF MY LAWN!



Notes about my Pi


Cnet setup Bluetooth…


Upgrade device for Bluetooth…

Fix Raspberry Pi 3 Bluetooth Issues





On screen keyboard







install chromium…


sudo dpkg -i chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra_45.0.2454.85–0ubuntu0. chromium-browser_45.0.2454.85–0ubuntu0.

and then

sudo apt-get install -f

and then

sudo dpkg -i chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra_45.0.2454.85–0ubuntu0. chromium-browser_45.0.2454.85–0ubuntu0.





add chromium to launcher

  1. Right click anywhere on the panel.
  2. Click “Add / Remove Panel Items”.
  3. Click “Add”.
  4. Find “Application Launch Bar” in the list.
  5. Select it and click “Add”. It should appear on the very end.
  6. Click “Up” until it is above “Minimize All Windows” but below the “Spacer” above it.
  7. Now click “Preferences”. It should show 2 columns, the 1st one containing displayed apps and the second containing the remaining ones.
  8. Select the apps you want to add and hit “Add”.




How to disable screen timeout…

How to Disable the Blank Screen on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)

1 – Disabling the blank screen once

You can disable the blank screen once with the following command line instructions:

$ sudo xset s off
$ sudo xset -dpms
$ sudo xset s noblank

xset s off disable the screen saver, xset -dpms disables the DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling) and xset s noblank tells to X server to not blank the video device.

2 – Disabling the blank screen forever

If you want to disable the blank screen at every startup, just update the/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file and add in the [SeatDefaults] section the following command:

xserver-command=X -s 0 -dpms

You need root rights to update the lightdm.conf file. You can use the nano editor:

$ sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf








Windows 10 trick to “Clean” as used miscrosd card of its various partitions

How to Reclaim the Full Capacity of Your Raspbery Pi’s SD Card in Windows


A command-prompt-like window will open up, only the prompt will say “DISKPART”. At that prompt, type “list disk”.

In the list output on our machine you can see the computer’s hard drive (119GB) and the removable SD card (14GB). It is absolutely critical you note the proper disk number. DISKPART commands are immediate and without any warning. If you type in the wrong disk number, you’re going to have a really bad time.

After identifying your SD card’s disk number, enter the following command “select disk #” where # is the disk number of your SD card.

Whatever commands you execute after this point will only make changes to the selected disk; now would be a good time to double check you’ve selected the right disk just to be extra safe.

Next, now enter the command “clean”

The clean command zeroes out the sectors of the disk that contain the partition data. If you wished to zero out all data on the SD card you could use “clean all” instead, but unless you have a pressing privacy/security reason for overwriting the the entire SD card with zeros, it’s unwise to waste the read/write cycles of the flash media.

After cleaning the disk, enter the following command “create partition primary”

The command, as the syntax implies, creates a new partition on the disk and sets it to primary. After creating the primary partition, the entire storage capacity of the SD card should be available to Windows. If we peek back into Disk Manager, we no longer see a tiny partition with a huge hunk of unallocated space, but a large partition ready to be formatted:

That’s all there is to it! A little DISKPART wizardy and the SD card is factory fresh again.











check drive space

In a terminal type:

df -h














Plume Writer/Creator —

Ubuntu 15.04 and above
sudo apt-get install plume-creator
In case you get installation errors due to dependencies. Then just do:
apt-get install -f
and then run the installation above again.