February 14 2023

Almost all of a person’s fears are self created.



I’m not talking about a bear chasing you in the woods and trying to eat you.

That isn’t the world we currently live in.

The world we do live in is relatively safe.

Yes, you do experience weird dreams about giant rabbit squirrels trying to rip your scrotum off and… er… no?

It’s just me that dreams these things?



What I’m trying to say is that the average person is their own worst enemy, unless you’re a Dwight.

Because then you are a blight to humanity as a whole.


See what I did there?


I snuck that up Dwight behind you.




Tootles all


February 10 2023

New! Chunk 1.5


What the flip are you talking about?


“Chunk” is my terminology for a piece of my work around 5,000 words. It’s also quasi-sequential in that one part proceeds the next, usually. My current story, the same one for the past few years, kinda breaks this rule a bit.


So getting back on topic, my chunk 1.0 is the first part of the story. Chunk 2.0 follows this. Well, I’m guessing you can figure out how 1.5 fits into all this ๐Ÿ˜›

1.5 is full of mirroring both the end of 1.0 and the beginning of 2.0 so that it could act as a mirror into one of the character’s souls. It explains why this character chooses which path before them from 2.0 and going forward. In all, 1.5 is an addition of 3,200 words of much-needed insight.

Or not…

We will see once I pass it off to my peer group.


February 2 2023

Penalize your loyal customers? That’s capitalism at its best

So my hosting plan is set to expire on March 23rd. Today is February 2nd. I logged into my account through the web portal and noticed I wasn’t able to pay my bill early. So I brought up a chatbot window and waited a really long time for some name, I can’t pronounce, to pick up on the other end. I was ready to pay ahead of time when I was informed that my billing would start over as of today’s date.


So you want to shortchange me a month and a half of service credit because I wanted to pay my bill early? I’ve never chatted with support for any reason short of getting my account started initially. So… uh… yeah…

Guess what?

I’m now looking for a new provider.







February 2 2023

Liberty and Responsibility

So the Philly Squakers eliminated the forty whiners from the playoffs.

Unfortunate, but that is how the ball bounces.



I’m not going to start dumpster fires over it.

I’m not going to start a riot over it.

I’m not going to overthrow the government over it.


Maybe I should?

I mean it’s my libertarian right to do whatever I want in the name of freedom, right?

Oh… but that freedom of mine shouldn’t infringe upon the rights of others. Yeah, that’s a bit of sticky morality there. Aren’t my beliefs about THING more important than your ability to do THING?


in 2012 or so, during Mit Romney’s presidential run, he kept saying this about people not needing government and building great things. LINK NPR

So was this great builder also responsible for the roads and power grid that empowered this person to BUILD THAT THING?

No? Was it some nasty government regulation that made it available for the masses at an affordable price?

Last I checked, Corporations are all about ignoring profits and giving out as much as they take in, that’s called corporateย symbiotics and it runs rampant disease throughout capitalistic societies.


Maybe, just maybe, we should also outlaw traffic lights? Who needs those pesky stop signs and speed limits around nursing homes and elementary schools? Those are not my family members so what do I care? I’m sure that if we abolished these annoying rules and regulations, the productivity and profits of funeral homes would begin skyrocketing.

Isn’t that how a free market works?

My personal liberty over the needs of our fellow citizens?


Just saying…





Okay, I’ve got to cut this short. Got some errands to run.

Tootles all


January 23 2023

Being Ghosted & LEGOs

Have you ever lost contact with someone?

It happens to all of us.


Now, how many of you have intentionally let a contact fade?
Are they geographically too far away? Too emotionally needy? Etc…

Does this sound familiar?


The thing that is hardest, is when the person being ghosted doesn’t understand why they are being ghosted.
Is this the responsibility of the person doing the cutting?

In a breakup, you often hear the cliche “It’s not you, it’s me…” bull crap.


I understand that not everybody fits, LEGOs, with everyone else in this world.

That being said, I’ve distanced myself from others. Have I come clean with them?



I’ve felt they were too toxic or draining or the proverbial ‘Debby Downer’ type of person that I didn’t want around.


Now, how does a person work this when you are reviewing another person’s stories?


Whose fault is it then? I know I’ve sent others packing for the hills after reading their stories. Not most, but some.

So whose responsibility is it in this situation?

I don’t want to be false and blow hot air up their ass.


A couple of weeks ago I read a story and the monster of the week attacked the party. These monsters jumped up and gargled/screamed/whatever before attacking the characters. I pointed out this was the fourth time this identical means/tactics were being used by an entirely different species in this alien world.

Sharks, or this world’s version of them, don’t typically jump up into the air before attacking people on a boat. Sharks’ domains are in the water, not sailing through the air.

Spiders, or this world’s equivalent to them, which are ambush hunters, don’t scream before attacking either. Ambush killers don’t give themselves away otherwise they spook their prey.

You get the idea, as I’m not going to go over the others.


Is that reason to not want to deal with the obvious flaws in your works?


Who is your target audience? Is your intended reader a kindergartner that has no real-world knowledge? Okay, then maybe jumping sharks and screaming huge spiders fit. That wasn’t the target audience.


So… what is the point of all this?


Sometimes, when ghosted, whose fault is it? The person who asked for help but didn’t like the flavor they got? Or the person sprinkling the turd condiments into their favorite ice cream?


Maybe… just maybe… sometimes the person asking for the review, needs to LEGO a bit?







That is all for now…

Tootles all


January 11 2023

Time… you slippery bastard

Okay, so the last post I made was on November 16th.

I’m such a schmuck.


Been sick, kids been sick, wife’s been ill. Holidays, weather, trees blowing over, fences falling down. Shall I go on?


Yeah, I know… Everybody’s got stuff going on.

I get it.




I did manage to catch the new avatar movie.

Overall, not great. It wasn’t bad so much as it wasn’t good. It was BLAH to put it best.

I’m really looking forward to the next Antman movie in February and Guardians part 3 sometime in the spring.


I missed getting out the submission for January for my review group but the good news is my February submission is now ready to go ๐Ÿ˜›


I haven’t gone on my morning walks for about a month now. I miss doing them.



I got nothing else rattling around in my brain right now.

So I guess this is going to be a short post.

*Actually I do have things rattling around but they are not of the nature I wish to share.



So I guess that’s it for now, see you all hopefully sooner than later.

Tootles all.

November 16 2022

How do they know?

Tuesday morning I snuck away to try and do some writing.

Fifteen minutes later I got a phone call, somebody needed their head plucked out of their ass.

Wednesday morning I snuck away again to try and do some writing.

Twenty minutes later I got another phone call to pick up someone.



The only way I’m going to get any writing done is by being left the f-alone.


It’s not that hard.


Don’t be an incompetent piece of garbage.


Fix your own clogged toilet. I keep plungers in each of our bathrooms for a reason. I’m not magical in my ability to unclog it with three strokes.


Use your eyeballs and keep track of your gas gauge. Anytime your car gets below half, you start planning your next gas stop.


I’m surrounded by “special people” and not all of them are children.




I run and try hiding away in order to write as I hope that by putting some distance between myself and the idiots, it might actually happen. Flipping cell phones need to be registered so that only non-derps can have one.




Yeah, I know I’m ranting.







Oh yeah… somebody made a big announcement last night.




That is all,




October 30 2022

Punishment for a past life?

So two years back our house had a pin-hole leak develop in the garage ceiling.

It was patched but it gave us a scare as to the possibility of other future holes popping up.

Last month a second pin-hole leak developed in our garage ceiling. That has since been patched.

A couple of days ago another copper leak developed in our house above our family room. The master bath sits above it. That too was patched.

Today… another leak developed.