November 3 2017

The Stupid… it Burns…

Hello Peoples,


Okay, I got another ‘how stupid is Dwight’ story.

So my new boss and I had it worked out that I would start my new position over there on the 20th of November. He had a training class and I had a training class.

We discussed it.

I didn’t need to know the specifics of his and he didn’t seem to care about the specifics of mine, we had an understanding.

So yesterday I send my current Dwight an email about my accepting his job offer and my last day in her unit. Her, typical as is her behavior, tried once more to screw one of her employees over again. You see once she knows you want something she goes out of her way to screw it up.

The stupid… it burns….

She, using some false justification, released me from my job earlier than I was requesting. I had given her the standard two weeks+ notice and she shortened it so that I wouldn’t be allowed to attend the training class. She went out of her way to make sure I couldn’ attend it by releasing me earlier.

Yep, this is that kind of vindictive(stupid/cruel)

So my new boss, already loving this man, sends me an email saying I will start in his unit on the earlier date but he will allow me to still attend the training. He says “I’m going to have to suffer getting a bump in pay earlier than I had originally planned.”

Love it!

So her trying to screw me backfired again*. Thanks for the extra $200 Dwight 😉

This woman wastes more taxpayer money.

The stupid… IT BURNS!

[ * = She had me stay out of work for a 4 week period due to surgery I had for a deviated septum. I got all sorts of projects done around the house while getting paid to do them = Win/Win. The wife keeps joking that I need to sign myself up for even more surgeries. ]

One of these days I’m going to have to post more stuff about my actual stories again (or am I already doing it 😛 )

You can’t make this stuff up.


Posted 2017/11/03 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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