September 15 2022

Thorsday got some edits

I had to go back and break/rewrite a bit of the Boog storyline to find the time scale that I had created with my Jessica half. So I didn’t make as much forward progress today as I would have liked but at least I don’t have a bit continuity hole it in.

<Beavis voice> I said hole </Beavis voice>


Besides that, I still made even more overall progress today. Which is a good thing. Unlike Dwight.


That is all.


September 15 2022

Thorsday run-a-away

Today is Thorsday.

I’ve always had an affinity for Thorsdays. It was the day of the week that Night Court came on. It was the day before Friday, which makes it a celebration all in itself.




I’ve so far walked 3.25 miles, more to come, and have gotten in about 1,000 words in my Jessica storyline. It is now almost 9am.

I really like Thorsdays.



That is it for now.


Tootles all


September 14 2022

Correction of todays totals.

My Boog storyline, for the day, now stands at 200

My Jessica storyline, for the day, now stands at 2300


So that’s about 2500 words for a few hours of face slapping.


Everything is new material from where I’m at. I’m kind of winging it but I still have a mental outline of where it’s going so it’s not really winging it that much.


Word count so far.

34 chunks at 4,500 words = ~153k

Additional Boog’s storyline overall now sits at 16,500

Additional Jessica’s storyline overall now sits at 13,500

That puts it at about 183k.




I feel as if I’m at the 85% percent mark.


So when it’s all said and done I can see myself splitting this thing up into three separate books.


Okay, time to pack this party up and go pick up the kids.



Tootles all


September 14 2022

Today’s progress is…

I got in 200 words added to the Boog storyline.

I got in 1200 words in on the Jessica storyline.


So far all of it is new material. Both lines still haven’t merged up with each other but they are close, oh so very close. One group is checking out the carnage left behind by the other.



I now have to quit as I got a call from the school to come in and pick up my teenage daughter.



That is all.






September 13 2022

1,000 words added today.

That’s right baby!

Who’s your daddy?


Guess you got in 600 words in on the Jessica storyline and an additional 400 in on the Boog storyline?

This idiot!

As of right now, they are both within a few hours of each other timeline-wise.


Now I’ve just got to the have the three parties bump into each other and be one big happy cluster. Three? Boog and Jessica make two. What’s with the third? Why it’s the mute character of course.


If you are lost, don’t worry, so am I.




Okay, I need to pack this up this sneak away dave escape and get back to adult things again.



Tootles all


September 10 2022

When I’m famous you’ll wish you knew me…


You read that right.

I work from home. I have children living with me at home, they bug me. I have extra children at home, they also bug me. I have a spouse, she also likes to bug me. I have used “I have” an awful lot in this sentence.

Because of Covid, I work out of our guest room. My wife works out of our bedroom. In the guest room, it’s not a true hideaway but it’s close to one as I can close the door behind me. Yes, I’m in here now. The children still barge in for every and allย conceivable reasons.

As I’ve stated before, when it’s Dave writing time, it can take about 10-15 minutes to get back into the right mind-space after an interruption. I almost never get that time between each interruption, hence I tend to get very little writing done at home.

My solution? I grab my little laptop and head out into the world to find a place to be left alone. It’s easier to not get bothered when nobody knows where you are. I often find myself frequenting a local Starbucks, McDonalds’, or even one of the local grocery stores that have a little cafe in them. I even have a portable desk that fits around my car’s steering wheel for when I’m waiting for this or that.

That isn’t me in the picture ๐Ÿ˜‰


So… getting back on track here. I happened to be at a McDonalds and had my headphones in, laptop open, and was tapping away like…


Like that…


Some guy comes up and plants himself in the booth next to me. I barely notice and keep slapping my face against the keys.

Kinda like this…


Trust me, once I finish the book I’m currently working on, that image above will make a lot more sense.



The guy tries striking up a conversation. I pause my keystrokes facestrokes and remove one side of my headphones so I can hear him and say, “Hello?”

He starts talking about something that I’ve already forgotten about as it wasn’t life-threatening or immediate in nature. I then interrupt him by saying, “I’m sorry but I’m working on something here and kind of need to focus on it.”

He seems to take the hint, at least at first. I work on finding my focus again. Not a full minute later he’s talking to me again. I reach up to remove one of my headphones again to hear him. Again it’s nothing that needs immediate action on my part so interrupt his interruption and say, “Hey, I’m working on something here and am trying to focus.”

Now you might think that was the end of it.


There was a third and a fourth interruption. At this point, I was starting to shut my programs down and pack things up when another makes his way over. This new person knows my interrupter and those two begin talking.

I glance towards the heavens. Thank you for this small gift and for making my favorite sports team score that point or win that game, you can go back to turning that blind eye to all the real injustices of the world.

Those two keep talking, I find my groove again and keep going for another hour or so before I reach the end of the chapter I was working on. At that point, my mind satiated with the feelings of my accomplishment, I really start packing my things up.


Jump ahead three weeks.


I’m back in that same store, in the same exact booth. Guess who walks in.

Yep, him.


He plops himself down into the next booth again and once more tries engaging with me. I remove one side of my headphones and he says with an anxious look in his eye. “Hey, you remember me?”

I pause time for the shortest of moments right then to weigh my two options. I chose to go with the lesser of two evils in regards to getting more of my facestrokes in. “Sorry, I don’t. Hey, I’m working on something here-”

“You don’t remember me?”

“No sorry.”

“We were both here talking about BLAH BLAH.”

(I honestly don’t recall what BLAH BLAH was anymore.)

I give him a placating smile. “Sorry man” as my nose takes a dive for my screen again.

“You should remember me.”

Reaching up to put my headphone back over my ear again. “No offense, I’m not that good with people.”

He shakes his head in a mixture of disgust and irritation. “When I’m famous you’ll wish you knew me-”

My headphone slapped in place over my ear.




That was as real of a story as I can recall.


The guy was lonely and I feel for him. But it is also not my responsibility to be his means of entertainment.


I’m thinking I need to avoid that location for the next six months or so.

SIDE THOUGHT –ย Is this what women feel like with creepy guys hitting on them?


Ha! I loved that show. I would have liked to have found a Dan Fielding one from Night Court but didn’t want to waste more than the five minutes it already took me.


Okay that’s it.
Tootles all




August 25 2022

Well well well… look at what the cat barfed up?

Right now it is almost 4 pm on Thursday, August 25th.

My last post was on August 22nd, Monday. Since then I’ve written over 6,000 words in chunk 35+ and figured out what my mental block was with it.

What the problem was is that I had two separate characters each doing their own arc thing and the time frames weren’t syncing up between them. The rest of the story, for the most part, had been chronological in order. Somehow in chunk 35 I had lost my mental grasp on the timeline and col*


It is now 5:25 pm. I just got back from taking my daughter on a shopping run to get a girlfriend of hers a birthday gift.

where was I…


… I had lost my mental grasp on the timeline and…

Damn… I don’t recall what I was thinking.

That’s the damn problem with always having constant interruptions.

I think I was trying to say I split the chunk up into different ones with each character’s POV in mind. The Boog sections went to a BoogPOV document and the Jessica/Cerbril ones went to the mainPOV document. Once I did that it began flowing again and I was able to pick up the Boog storyline from where I had left off. All 6,000 words were on his timeline.

I seemed to recall I wasn’t having any issues with the Jessica/Cerbril storyline so I essentially ignored it, for the time being. I know I’ll have to get back to it at some point.

The Boog story progression went amazingly well. So well that I’ve almost reached the point of them being reintegrated back into the Jessica/Cerbril one. Once I reach that point I’ll put that on the back burner again and catch back up with the Jessica/Cerbril one to the same point. Then I work on weaving the two chains back into each other again where they would fit chronologically.


Did any of that make sense?

I know I’m rambling here.

Life… it’s the excitement of it all, the monotony of it all, it’s the first draft of it all.



Tootles all





**ย Wait! **

If you were following along with the math, you should have come up with my current chunk 35+ now being well past the 6,000 words at this point. That means once I get the two merged back together it could span several more chunks. I try to keep each chunk between 4,000 to 4,500 words for editing and review purposes for my group. I know I would hate seeing something larger being submitted upon me with all the crapy mistakes I tend to drop in my own stuff.

4,500 words times 36 chunks makes my overall story right now at about 160,000 words. SSHHEEPPPP!

I would say I’m at about the 75% mark right now against my mental overall projected story arc.

August 22 2022

Chunk 23 almost ready for submission. Chunk 35? Ha!

So I’ve been able to sneak a bit of time these past few days into getting my chunk 23 ready for the September submission. I cleaned up a good portion of it in order to… make it seem better good-er-er? I can’t actually say it’s better but it seems better, at least to me. I think I had given away too much of the mystery for what is yet to come. The solution is steam line gutting it.

I then allowed myself a small break and brought up chunk 35, which is where I last left off and coincidentally, also in need of a fourth pass because I had ignored an entire plot thread involving one of the characters. I took one glance at it and closed it right back up again. Shheessshhh. I ain’t got that kind of time right now. I have to pack things up in about a half hour and go pick up the wife from the dentist. She is getting some work done and is being put under. I have a feeling I’ll be spending much of the rest of the day playing sexy nurse or some freak version of that with my hairy out-of-shape body. She’s a lucky gal. Past that I’ve got to go and pick up all the kids and deal with all their errands too.

Yeah… fun times.


My brain is only so limited in what it can hold into it with having to stop, pack up, do a bunch of miscellaneous chores, and then try to dive back into a fictional world where things are being subtly carried throughout the book. It doesn’t work like that.


Oh well…


That’s it for now.


Tootles all
