October 25 2022

Glutton for punishment

I’m going to go see “Black Adam” today.

The reviews have been… less than favorable.


Oh, and I just got my 5th covid shot in my left arm, and my first shingles shot in my right arm. I’ve been told that both of them can cause side effects. I got my shots less than an hour ago and my movie is going to start in about an hour. I don’t expect to feel any ill effects until later today, which is why I’m seeing the movie now. Today is also my first weekend day off. I don’t go back to work again until Friday. So for the next few days… I’m a glutton for punishment.




What else…


I’m currently working on chunk 47 of “A New Day”. I had one of my characters go in a direction I hadn’t expected but thankfully it still fits within my overall narrative. It still fits in with the ending I had in mind before I ever started this journey. I like to think of my stories in a similar fashion to the 1983 movie National Lampoon Vacation. I know my characters are going to end up at Wally World and have to deal with the various antics they endured getting there. The antics however have always been more organic and flowed from what the characters did. Similar to a cruise liner, the guests onboard can do whatever they want on the ship so long as they don’t veer the ship away from its ultimate destination.Β I don’t mind theΒ Christie Brinkley like events as they allow the characters to act in accordance with who they are.



Overall I would say I’m now sitting at about 93-94 percent. There is still a number of things that need to happen before we get to the epilogue. The epilogue will jump to Admiral Mortz at some point in the future.
Have I said too much? I don’t think so. All I’ve admitted is that he doesn’t die in the book… or does he?Β (*cough* the epilogue is still part of the story *cough*)


What else…


My son suffered a concussion on Saturday evening. He was wearing his Halloween costume, which was adult-sized as they didn’t make a ‘foot’ child size, and was running. The outfit, being too big, flopped into his face and he dinged his noggin into a pole. It almost plays out like a cartoon if you think about it. He’s fine but can’t go to school for the rest of the week as his doctor did some coordination tests and found he wasn’t up to speed.

I suffered a concussion when I was a child and it didn’t have any lersting afflections?


Don’t most kids knock themselves out at least once in their lives?

My wife does it every time she opens a bottle of red.



*Shakes fist at sky* That’s the problem with kids nowadays, too sissy-like and weak. Why I had to walk to school in my bare feet through the snow to get to school, and it was uphill both ways.


Tangent time??? —Β There have been studies suggesting that the reason kids have all these allergies is that they aren’t getting enough dirt time. LINK.

Is it true? I’m not a dercter so miy medicinal oponions R two bee talken whith a punch of sault.


I guess that’s it for now. Enough punishment for now. Time to get back to zoning out and contemplating why I’m starting to feel a bit off right now…



Tootles all (never Toodles)


October 14 2022


So I’m an idiot.


Thanks for visiting.











Still here?

Okay, so here is the latest reason I’m an idiot.

I’ve been ending my posts with “Tootles” and I’ve been using it in my personal vernacular for YEEAAARRRRSSSSS.

When my daughter was younger, I noticed Mickey Mouse used it often too. I thought it was cute.

Here’s the idiot part.

Mickey Mouse was saying “TooDles” and not “TooTles”.

Tootles is something entirely different.


Uhm… yeah.


What’s even funnier is that Tootles fits me better personally.

My younger brother calls me the “Crop Duster”

I even have this shirt.


So… yeah.


So uhhh… what’s new with you?




I guess that’s it for now.


Uh no.



Tootles all


October 13 2022

Chunk 46.1

And now I’ve gotten in about 1k in on chunk 46.

Admission: I kind of cheated and took something of a comedic tangent but in doing so I got my mind a bit more settled on how I’m going to finish the rest of the chunk with the reintegration of the Pada into the group. Sometimes you need to step outside and look at things from a different perspective, heck, even laugh at what you have… or at least attempt to laugh at it. We will see if my comedic break pans out when my review group eventually gets around to it. They are currently reviewing chunk 24. I sent out about 1 chunk a month. You do the math… carry the cheese… that puts that occurring at about 2 years out.



Okay, cutting this short again.




October 13 2022

Place holder for Chunk 46

I snuck away. Let me see how much I can get done on my story?




And I’m back.

Chunk 46 is now my next entry. I finished up chunk 45 and got in the first two lines of 46 before deciding it was time to quit for the day. I got in close to 1k into it. Not bad. Now I need to mull over the effects of chunk 45’s events and how they change things going forward in 46. The naked man is now reunited with the gang and he knows things that can affect other things and the illusions that the truths are still trying to hide behind. Does any of that make sense? Where I write in the first draft and drool my incomprehensible trash out into the digital aether. Gotta love the internet(s) with all its conspiracy tubes and stuff.


Time to pack this up and start my home depot run.



Tubular tootles y’all


October 11 2022

Blindess and Honesty

I can see the world around me but my own vision of it is often skewed by my biases, hence I am blind. Writing is no different.


There is what you say, what you meant to say, what the other person reads, and what they interpret from what they read. That is a lot of translations to go through.


See what I mean? Oh wait… you’re just as blind as I am.






Time to stop reviewing one of my peer’s stories and start in on my honey-do stuff.



Tootles all


October 8 2022

The naked man has returned

I’m at about the 92 or so percent mark now.

I can feel it starting to come to a close.

Loose ends are being tied up.

It’s both elating and scary.


I want this to be over but I also want to savor it.


Come here – go away – come here – go away





I’ve gotten in about 1,000 words in this morning and know my writing time is about up for the day.


My daughter turns 16 tomorrow and today is her party. I need to get home and clean up the backyard for the festivities.


It is currently 8:31 am and I need to pack this one-man party and walk back home.

Oh, how I want more Dave-time. Dang kids ruining everything with their dog.

I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for…






Okay, that’s it.


Tootles Y’all



October 7 2022

Going through the checklist…

It’s quiet. Nobody is bugging me. I bring up my word document and study the last few lines.

The phone rings. I answer it and deal with the situation.

It’s quiet.

Once again I pull up my word document and begin going through the…

There’s a knock at my door. A child wants something. I deal with it.

It’s quiet.

I roll the dice and once more pull up-

I hear screaming coming from the next room. The kids are squabbling over something. I deal with it.

Glancing at my screen once more, I dare to tempt fate and pull-

I get another phone call. I deal with it.

With a sideways glance, I pull up my docu-

I get a text. I glance at my phone and see that it’s my wife. Reluctantly, I read it and then go deal with whatever it is.

This time my butt doesn’t even get to unclench itself fully as I sit down before my phone rings again. I deal with it.

Sitting again, it’s quiet. I tempt fate, and pull up my word processing program, and begin skimming the last half page of what’s already there. Feeling like it’s all sorted out, my fingers begin typing out a few letters, then words, a somehow complete a full sentence.

My son comes in and asks if he can get a ride to his friend’s house. I handle the situation.

I get back and once more sit before my computer. Do I dare tempt fate?


And so on and so on.



So… what are you’re writing days like?





Tootles all



October 4 2022

You just couldn’t help yourself

I dropped the second child off at school about forty-five minutes ago. Since then I’ve been plugging away at my story and drinking my iced tea. My plan was to stop just before 10 and head over to the bank to handle some business. Not five minutes ago I get a call from the wife because she is feeling ill.

I swear… what is so wrong with Dave trying to get in some Dave-writing-time? If it’s not a useless child, it’s a useless spouse or some friend that has an issue that requires me to swoop in and save them. It’s not that hard to glance at the toilet paper roll and make sure there is enough there before you get yourself in a crappy situation.

As of today, I only got about 300 words in. The trouble with getting words down is I have to reload all the dynamics of the story back into my mind, which takes a bit of time, then and only then can I begin to push forward with new material. It’s kinda like RAM in a computer. Other things take up the space in my head until I’m able to sit myself down, without being DISTURBED, and focus on the whole of it again.



On top of that, my father and stepmom are going to be visiting over the next 36 or so hours. That means I’m not going to get any kind of Dave-time. I know, it’s family, and I should be valuing their time as we are all getting up there in age.

I just need some Dave-time too now and again.


I swear…


Tootles for now.


October 3 2022

And it fell into place

Back in chunk, some way earlier number, I had Boog suffer a medical incident. Now, with my story being at the 91% or so mark, I’ve brought it back into being relevant for the second time after that first instance.

It was a complete accident but feels so much like it had been penned out.



Is not penned another way of inferring it had been plotted out?

Who knows?


Either way, I’ve now used it a second time to save my bacon from a troublesome scene that I had accidentally written myself into the corner of.



That is it for now.

The crisis is averted and its time to go pick up the crotch goblins



Tootles all


September 28 2022

Chunk 44 (or so) progressing nicely

So after a week or so pause, I’m back to writing again.

I’m stopped chunking out my prior stuff as my review group is only now working on part 24 and the last one I was actively working on was 35. That puts me about a year ahead of them. So with 35 I just kept writing and got about 30,000 words into it. that’s about 7 chunks worth if I break it down. Knowing myself as I do, it could very well expand more as I fill in missing points. So I just called the next forward-moving piece chunk 44. It’s got about 2,000 words in it so far. That puts my overall story at around 200,000 words.

I think I’ve decided to split the book up into three smaller books of about 80,000 words each. The numbers will not be exact as I’ve already got time breaks in mind for where and when I want them to split out. I know that in the first part I will have to add more to it but that won’t be any time soon.

Right now I’m focused on getting the overall story to the 100% mark. Right now I’ve got Boog and Jessica reuniting again and having to work through their current shared crisis. That puts me at about the 90% mark.


What else…


My son didn’t take his meds for a few days over the weekend and oh boy what a little monster he has become because of it. I have had some sleepless nights the past few days.


Next week I’m going to have to put my writing on pause and get to a honey-doo chore that is long overdue. (doo rhymes with POO)



People… are flakes.

Do I really need to say more?

I understand people have lives and get busy but to ghost another person for months on end without coming clean to the fact that you are a spineless shell isn’t cool… oh… being a spineless shell is the very definition of a person that ghosts another?

Ahh… my mistake.

People suck.





I mean what kind of narcissistic dictator do you have to be to throw away thousands of lives just to save your fragile ego? Oh, the same time of people that are shallow enough to ghost others as they are afraid of their own failures?




Sorry, I like poking at things that don’t like to get poked at.







I guess that is it for now.

Tootles all.
