May 12 2016

Betty White Vs Gary Busey

Uhm… yeah.

That is part of the idea I’ve been poking at this morning on the ride in.

Yesterday I got some straightening out done on my Sup-Her timeline. I only had 45 minutes to work with and between looking at the time when I started and looking to see that it was over I didn’t get enough done 🙁

Still I got some done 🙂

Oh Betty White… just what are you involved with?

May 11 2016

Did you know…

Keeping track of time zone changes and how long it takes to fly from New York to Moscow can really throw a story for a bit of a loop.

Ahh.. the joys of editing and trying to put your story into chronological order.


May 10 2016

Sup-Her Day 07…Done enough(for now)

Okay so I just finished rewriting day 07 of my Sup-Her stories first draft. What was originally around 3,000 words is now around 9,000 words. Overall the entire first draft came in at just over 50,000 words and day 07 was at the 25,000 or so mark. Where I’m at in my second draft, using the 25,000 mark is 61,000. Translation: I’ve doubled my initial word count + some.
Enough math…it makes my head hurt.

So why is it done “enough for now”?

Well I need to go back through the beginning and straighten out my timeline stuff once more so I don’t bite myself in the ass when I get to the 100k range. Once I get caught back up to my 61,000 mark I can move forward again on my second draft.

May 10 2016

Melody… “-of Nowhere”

It’s Tuesday, May the 10th and it’s 4:44 in the morning. I’m driving to the train station and turn on my radio which is tuned into my local NPR station. As I’m listening they are doing some quick promo for a story about an openly gay southern baptist being welcomed into a church. That is not the point of where I’m going, but rather the musical interlude that is played just after it. I’m a big fan of instrumental music and this piece really catches my attention. So as soon as I pull into the parking lot alongside the train station, which is kind of sparse at this time of day, and whip out my phone.
I open the web browser and after a quick Google search see that after typing in ‘NPR music’ that it pulls up a link that reads something like ‘Want to find out more about the music that plays during the interludes.’ Well golly-gee-willikers, it looks like this is not an uncommon occurrence. So a few clicks later I find myself looking at the song in question. It is ‘Heart of Nowhere’ by ‘Noah and the Whale.’
I then switch to my Amazon music app on my phone and type that in. Mere seconds later I find what seems to be the song. I click ‘hear the sample’ and immediately recognize the melody, only there is one problem. I can also hear the vocalist. DAMN FRIGGIN GOSH JEEPERS! I don’t want to hear the vocalist. I wanted to hear the pure melody and not, at least this is how is sounds to me, coffee shop voice. I’m sure he has a perfectly good voice but you have to understand that I really love instrumental music and I felt as if I was getting blue-balled here. You know the old bait-and-switch-a-roo.
The logical part of me knows the band probably had no part in getting their song selected by NPR and I shouldn’t blame them. Of course, I still harbor a bit of resentment but that’s because I am small minded. Most of my blame should be directed towards NPR and how they tease us with one version and not deliver on the other.
Hey NPR, how about giving us a link to purchase the version you played? Talk about giving us a way to help pay for the programming and not having to endure those stupid pledge drives?

May 3 2016

Mentally (half)dead…

I got a half hour to go at work and you know what? I’m done. At least I’m done enough. I know I could muster more steam out of myself but knowing that whatever I start has to be ended in the next half hour is more than enough ANTI-motivation for me to just think F(orget)-IT!

I’m sitting here thinking of doing actual raspberries instead of the just doing the mental ones.

May 3 2016

Back into the saddle again

This morning I jumped back into the editing saddle. I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked but such is life.

No that isn’t totally random. I actually used that in my story.


If when my story ever gets published, it’s going to be the (quasi autobiographical) part with Diana & Davey.

Now I just need to shake this earworm loose.

But it doesn’t want to go :p