May 10 2016

Sup-Her Day 07…Done enough(for now)

Okay so I just finished rewriting day 07 of my Sup-Her stories first draft. What was originally around 3,000 words is now around 9,000 words. Overall the entire first draft came in at just over 50,000 words and day 07 was at the 25,000 or so mark. Where I’m at in my second draft, using the 25,000 mark is 61,000. Translation: I’ve doubled my initial word count + some.
Enough math…it makes my head hurt.

So why is it done “enough for now”?

Well I need to go back through the beginning and straighten out my timeline stuff once more so I don’t bite myself in the ass when I get to the 100k range. Once I get caught back up to my 61,000 mark I can move forward again on my second draft.

Posted 2016/05/10 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized


  1. By Ben on

    Whoa, that’s huge! Good for you–can’t wait to read beyond the first chapter!

    1. By DarthDave (Post author) on

      Still plugging away when I can find the time 🙂

      When are you going to email me something else of yours to read?

  2. By Ben on

    Haha, the story I’ve sent you is literally the one and only! I first got the idea that writing might be a fulfilling hobby to explore about three months ago (in February) and it’s taken me forever! I don’t know how you guys write more than, like, 500-1,000 word per day, but I’m impressed. I even had a couple of days off, where I managed to pump out 1,000. I’m currently on the very last chapter, and that will have the whole story sitting somewhere around 45K words. When I do finally finish it, I’d love to send it to you!


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