April 19 2019

Game of Leaks & Playing Whack a Stark(??)


The season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones was last Sunday night. Was it worth the wait? With only episode 1 having been released its a bit too early to make any true assessments. The first episode, in my opinion, was used to reestablish the characters and plots with the viewers since it was two years ago that season 7 was released.

I will say I am looking forward to the remaining five episodes and seeing who survives GRRMreaper.

(only 5??? boo-hoo *wwaaaa!!!!!)


So, what else?

My kids have been off of school this past week thanks to spring break and my productivity has dropped to being almost non-existent. My mother and her boyfriend had also come to visit which only further limited my productivity.


Oh… I bought myself a new *GAMER* laptop the other day and am anxiously awaiting its shipping arrival. I paid $800 (+$66 taxes) for it so its not a powerhouse by any means but the thing does list some impressive stats.

Dell G5587-5542BLK-PUS Laptop 15.6″ FHD, Intel i5-8300H, 16GB RAM, GTX 1060, 256GB SSD+1TB HDD


I’m going to finally be able to play some of the games I’ve been missing out on since starting a family. You see way back in the late 90’s to mid 00’s I used to participate in local LAN leagues. I even purchased my own domain for it and was considering expanding it into a part-time business. The thing is I also saw the writing on the walls and knew that LAN centers were whimsical and so never pulled the trigger on going big with it.

Doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun though 🙂

My daughter was born in 2006 and from that point forward my gaming time has been somewhat stunted.


One of the other reasons I’m anxious about getting my new laptop is finally being able to consolidate my various drafts/versions of stories down as they exist on a plethora of various media devices. With the large drive on the unit, I can start consolidating my various files together.


What else…


We’re getting a new roof for our house. Our house was built in 1989 and has stone tiles. Yes, stone tiles are supposed to last a lifetime* and it’s now thirty years later. By liftime, the industry states that as about 50 years. So our roof is on the geriatric side of its existence and when it was installed the contractors went cheap in a number of areas and time has taken its toll. Translation, its time to throw out the baby with the bathwater… er… wait. That’s not what I meant but then again… f-it. We are just going to get a new roof and be done with it. We are tired of playing wack-a-starkmole with all the leaks that keep appearing.


Okay, that’s it for now. I need to actually get back to pretending I’m working since I’m at work today.

*full disclosure: I started this blog post prior to work but only got halfway through it.



Posted 2019/04/19 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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