September 7 2016

Type A & Type B People

I believe in the 80/20 rule. It’s the only thing that seems to keep me above water. For those of you who don’t know the 80/20 rule is essentially ‘In order to get something mostly done it only requires some effort on your part.’ This is essentially saying that in order to get something to 80% done it will require about 20% effort. The same logic then says that in order to get it something from 80% to 100% will then require an additional 80% of effort. In other words, ‘Perfection is the enemy of getting things done’.

That being said my boss and my boss’s boss are both Type ‘A’ people. In other words, they believe in wasting the resources in order to get something to 100%. Now I work for the state of California and trust me there are plenty of 20% effort people out there who fail to achieve even a comparable 20% product for their 20% effort.

I don’t work in the legal department. My area does not deal with brain surgery issues, but after listening to Ben Carson I’m starting to think that brain surgery is all that difficult either. True story tangent: When I was around the age of 20 I went to Florida and went on a tour of NASA. As part of the tour they showed us the launch rooms and technology and gave their colorful banter. I recall them saying something to the effect of “What we do here is quite impressive but it’s only rocket science, not brain surgery.” Gotta love nerd humor.

I am a type ‘B’ person. I always have been and will be until the day I die. I would rather do something good enough to get it done and then move onto the next project. Yeah sometimes my 20% effort doesn’t actually get an 80% result but I’m willing to be that this happens far less than those who put in the 100+% and get less than 100% results. I won my shortcomings. Yes I said won cause isn’t that in a sense an own in its own right? Yeah, what started out as an unintentional typo blossomed into something more. Hey, this site is all about life happening in the first draft. I don’t mind rolling with it.

Anyway back on to my topic… I think type ‘A’ stands for Asshole and in a bit of self-indulgence, believe that ‘B’ stands for Brians.


Posted 2016/09/07 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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