The Kids are almost back in School = :)
It’s sad. I’ve become the enemy. The person that wishes my kids were back in school. Back in the day I mentally swore to myself I wouldn’t think this way but… years… decades later… here I am.
Did we do all we could do over the summer? No. I would have like to have done more but finances and timing never seemed to align. Such is life.
The good thing, at least for me, is that with the kids heading back, I’ll be able to focus on my things more. Without looking at the date, its swear I haven’t done a blog post in well over a month. Am I feeling a little Dwight deprived? No, but it is fun to poke fun at the troll. I guess you could say I’m a troll’s troll.
(Sexy Troll voice: “Hey baby, is that a headless decayed rat in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”)
Okay, I guess that’s it for now.
Oh, I got in 2,500 words yesterday in my Jessica story. That puts me well over 60k overall.