Opinions on End Game (Brief Beef Spoilers)
Why hello again my fellow nerds,
(does anyone actually read this blog or is this all for naught? I believe that depends on what my definition of ‘naught’ is? Is it for publicity or is it just as a medium for my inner demonic Dwight voices? I think we already know that answer.)
So I had three minor BEEFS with End Game and all of them take place within the last 10-15 minutes of the film. They were basically annoyances at some of the plot points, characters and motivations and (yes another ‘and’, bad grammar dave) political correctness. They are all kind of mixed together.
- Peter/Potts
- Girl Power
- Football
If you’ve seen the movie then you might have some idea as to what I’m hinting at. If you haven’t seen it then I’m hoping I don’t ruin it for you. I will discuss more at a future time once the general public has had a chance to watch the movie. With the movie opening to a $1.2 billion take, I imagine that won’t be long.
Tootles for now as I need to pack up and head into work, (*insert state job joke here*) not that I will be working that much.