February 4 2015


So whats with all the stupidfringe people fearing vaccinations?


I don’t get it. I mean I understand that word problems are sometimes an issue and it hurts trying to think about them but this is pretty cut and dry.



In fact I think its so simple that I am going to let a couple of ass clowns explain for me.

Their language might be deemed offensive by some people but I believe the ends justify the means in this case.


And that is all i’m going to say.






January 27 2015

Yet more proof as to the depth of my stupidity.

I am a customer of Amazon and have been reading a number of help books on various subjects. Some about marriage, some about sex, some about personalities and depression. The reason is I hope to develop a better understanding the characters in my novels as well as in real life.

So my wife and I recently merged out amazon kindle accounts so that we could read each others books. I am currently reading “Bossy Pants” by Tina Fey. My wife enjoyed it and got me interested but I kept finding excuses not to get around to it. Well after seeing some hot chick laughing hysterically on the train on my in to work (yes the male ego is such that upon seeing a hot chick reading something you instantly become interested) and thought I would pull it up. I am about half way done and so far its…. “okay”. Its not giggle out loudly on the train funny but it has its few moments.

Anyway back to the real reason I’m stupid, and not for letting my carnal sexual brain be the selector for my reading material. Or even that I am admitting it here. The real reason I consider myself stupid is that I bought a book about female sexuality a month or so ago on advance purchase. It was finally released yesterday and upon opening up my kindle while sitting on the throne before work I spotted it as part of my queue. I got all excited thinking that my wife had bought it and was doing some “research” on kicking up the fires of passion between us.

Nope, I’m just an idiot.