February 3 2015

Settle down sea-twits

I have nothing wrong with fandom of a sports team but when fandom turns to unbridled obsession it starts to get scary. In my opinion the sea-cocky-ness of Seattle fans is turning rabid. Maybe its because I live on the west coast and so more of my contacts are west coast based but I haven’t seen this level of sea-cocky-ness from any other group of fans so quickly develop as I have with Seattle. Now the Oakland “traitors” and the Dallas “cowgirlspies”

*(I realized that as much as I wanted to call them girls that is a probably a sexist comment. Still I have to show that I thought it so I am as much a pig as everybody else. Pobodies nerfect)

Seahawks Fans be like

Now with the “cowpies” and the “traitors” the fandom has been an ongoing thing and hasn’t been a bandwagon obsession.

*(Traitors because they moved away from NorCal)

**(Returning don’t count. Just because your girlfriend breaks up with you doesn’t mean you have to take her back)

I ask many a cowpie fan, serious fans mind you, what year Dallas went 1-15 for the season. Very very very few have ever answered my question correctly. Yes some of you younger whippersnappers might not yet have been born, but of my peers, you have no excuse.

Well now that’s its over can you all just settle down and try and not make yourselves look like a bunch of asses?

12th man! 12th man! we got a 12th man here!. See, Nobody Cares


That is all 🙂