Something about writing? WTF?
Just so you all know I have to produce something about writing now and again. Otherwise the society of Amnesic Hostile Organization for Literary Empowerment Society (A.H.O.L.E.S.) come in and yank my domain name out from under me.
Now I’m sure I could have come up with a better name for the fictional organization but since I am writing in first draft mode and spend already far too long on the name (fifteen seconds) it is going to have to do.
I am still plugging away at cleaning up my Mr. K. story and once the second half of my prologue gets fairy dusted by my reading group I will post it here. What I mean by fairy dusted is that the group is primarily made up of kind hearted people who don’t want to step on toes or upset each other. You know the grandma types. So after I dust off the glitter residue I will post it here and start hitting up other authors sights to invite some of the hate that I know is so rarely found on the internet.
Thinking about it further I will have to come up with a better fictional name (evil grin).
That is all.