BookFace sarcasm
Ticket to Ride & Mr Milf #3
I wrote Mr Milf #3 on the way into work. I was nearly done when the ticket cop came by and busted me for having forgotten my monthly pass at home. Yes I have a legitimate pass and yes it really is on my desk at home.
So now I have a future court date where I get to go in and show them and hopefully it will get waived.
YEAH +1 Monday Morning Forgetfulness !
Mr Milf? …. a.k.a. Tony E. Milf
+1 wisdom in editing
And back to the grind
Mr K is first draft done :)
Now for the bad news.
In writing mr k i have come up with 3 new story ideas.
Bad dave.
Don’t write out more than a page for each.
Don’t go exploding them into something more.
Bad dave.
I am going to shelve it and work on editing joy left the world. Then maybe write one of my three ideas before going back and editing mr k
EDIT – I changed my mind (2014/06/25)
I am going to instead just edit Mr K and work on some short stories.