November 5 2014

NaNoWriMo… its what’s I’m doing

Man time seems to never stand still for me. Weeks go by and I can’t seem to find the time to do much of anything. My life is more reactive than proactive.

Well as I stated the above I am doing the NaNo and here is my page 🙂

Day 5 and as of 9am in the morning i’m at 6400 words. Need to stop wasting my words here and get back to not doing my state job 😛

November 5 2014

I’m such an idiot :(

I’m an idiot

So I just had my Golden1 credit card replacement shipped to me because of the home depot fiasco. Well yesterday I got an email from Netflix saying “we can’t charge the account” so I had to login netflix and update the sucker. Well today I got an email from “PayPal?” about needing to update my records as well and not thinking it through clicked the link they had provided in my email and started to update my password and information. Well as I was entering it in, only partially completed mind you, I started to question why they were asking for my birthdate again. I quickly looked at the URL and there it was “http://BOGUS-SITE/
I feel like such a fool. I quickly logged into PayPal and changed my real account password but now the SPAMMERS know my email account is real and can target me further. Do’H!

Oh and I don’t use the same password for every site I visit as but its still irritating to know I (partially) fell for it.

Now where is my Nigerian lottery money they promised me?

October 10 2014

Admission of a bigot

So as I’ve stated before I read/listen the website and podcast.

Today I learned of a neat-o cruise they are going on which got me really interested. So as I’m scrolling down I run across a picture of Nalo Hopkinson. Now I don’t know this person but my tiny little mind is stuck trying to figure out her choice of hairstyle. I will link the picture at the end of this rant/admission.

Now before you start going the dark route let me save you the trouble. Strange and unfamiliar things typically evoke a momentary pause as they try to figure out what it is they are dealing with. I would assume this is all part of the “fight or flight” survival mechanism we all have. In today’s world, where we aren’t be constantly threatened by “WTF’s” chasing us, the reactions we give can be awkward and embarrassing to ourselves as well as those deemed different.

Sometimes its the result of a bad haircut, which can’t be entirely blamed upon the victim. Other times, which is what I believe happened here, the result is entirely intended as a means of eliciting a reaction. Got Peacock? I believe this instance to be purely intentional. If so then why am I feeling so bad about wanting to laugh at it? Wouldn’t it bet better to embrace it and accept it as a means of diffusing the very reaction they are seeking?

I can’t, its too “different.”

Now I am suspecting that she isn’t suffering from any soft of disease or ailment that would cause her to have this style as the picture is professionally done, at least I would hope not. This also could be a religious thing but for some reason I doubt it. I’m not saying it couldn’t be but I suspect that if it was I would have run across something similar over my 43 year old lifetime with the last 15 being heavily absorbed in the WORLD WIDE WEB of useless things we pick up on and learn about. Seriously the helicopter cut I linked below has been an internet staple for years, and in web time that’s an eternity.

Here are some pictures of random people I found when I googled “bad haircuts”.





And now finally the image that has drawn my attention…




Oh sorry, that’s the wrong one….

Let me try this again…


I am a bad man

*snicker giggle*



Further admission. I feel we are at a balance here because as much as I have the guts to stand by my thoughts these people have the guts to challenge the stereotype.




October 9 2014

Fear of Freedom

As I sit here looking out the window of a McDonald’s I find myself watching a young man walking away with a guitar enclosed within a nylon case that is balanced up over his shoulder. His left hand is extended up and holding the end of it to keep it balanced. On his back is a small black and blue pack that looks as if it holds the rest of his worldly possessions.

His clothes are stained but don’t look tattered. In his right hand he is carrying a small cup that McDonald’s hands out for free whenever asks for water. The straw sticks straight up, almost as if mirroring his posture and state of mind.

It is a Thursday afternoon and by the looks of it he has somewhere to be. Where, I do not know. Why, I cannot begin to presume.

I catch the motion of my own reflection in the window I have looking out of. I see an overweight middle aged man slouching in his McBooth. I look out into the parking lot again and see my parked car. The instrument of my means of mobility and freedom is but a facade. I can’t just walk away from it all, I have a family, a job, responsibilities.

I am trapped.

October 8 2014

Chromebook Vs Bingbook

Last fall I bought an Acer c720 Chromebook and fell in love with it. Two days later, when visiting the in-laws, my sister in law had her windows PC die from bad hard disk. I lent her the book, trying to be a good person, and soon afterwards started missing the quick booting bastard. So at $200 I went out and bought myself another. Six months later she finally got around to returning the Chromebook and now I was up to two of the devices.

Aside from the lack up internet access, which is a problem on a windows PC as well, the Chromebook has been my little travel friend where I do most of my first draft writing. Revision stuff (spell checking etc) is not as easy to do on a Chromebook without a connection online but again for first draft writing that’s okay.

A couple of weeks ago I heard about the ASUS x205 which is Microsoft’s answer to the Chromebook. It should be released within the next few weeks and at $200 I will of course be buying one, unless of course if the reviews totally suck on it. I will try to be as objective as I can be as I put it through the paces.



October 8 2014

Why so long?

“That’s what she said…”

Ugh… all kidding aside, why has it been so long since I’ve posted something? It has/n’t been a few weeks since I put something up. I “tried” to post two different updates over the past month but due to my SAS (short attention spam*) I clicked on the “upgrade WordPress to v4.0” button before realizing I hadn’t saved what I was writing. The result being that the post suffered a miscarriage and went bye-bye into the graveyard of unborn 1’s&0’s. My other attempt was on my phone, and it decided to have a wanker moment and crash on me, which of course forced me to power off my phone completely so it would restart. That was lost as well.

Oh well.

This is my first time back since upgrading to 4.0 and I updated the background and my logo text but haven’t messed with it beyond that. I just purchased another kindle book on “mastering WordPress 4.0” but until I actually read the darn thing it won’t do me much good.

I have also noticed that I have a ton of spam comments on my site which I need to clean up. I think I am going to ignore them all and mass deleted them because after skimming the first few I have come to the consensus that they are all Viagra-ish.

Now getting back to my header… why so long?

Oh… bad joke? Sorry 🙁


* not intentional, just subconscious and weird


July 31 2014

30 Helens agree… on nothing

So i am part of two in person writing groups and two online groups. I have turned in the same piece of work to all four groups as sort of a test and got wildly different feedback as to what they “suggest”. One will say more X and less Y where the next person will say the complete opposite. I am perplexed to put it mildly. Now i am also reviewing their works at the same time and so have listening more so to those “i deem” to be better writers than those that leave me mentally  contorted.

What to do?