February 4 2015


So whats with all the stupidfringe people fearing vaccinations?


I don’t get it. I mean I understand that word problems are sometimes an issue and it hurts trying to think about them but this is pretty cut and dry.



In fact I think its so simple that I am going to let a couple of ass clowns explain for me.

Their language might be deemed offensive by some people but I believe the ends justify the means in this case.


And that is all i’m going to say.






February 4 2015

“Boo!”… (from the grave)

“Boo!” I say as my wife enters the master bedroom.

She sneers at me and says with an annoyed tone. “Will you stop saying that?”

Confused, I lower my phone from which I was reading and ask, “huh?”

“You say that all the time and it’s annoying.”


“Yeah, stop it.”

“Sorry? It’s just a form of ‘Hi’. I didn’t realize-”

Our seven year old daughter calls out from where she is taking a shower in the attached master bathroom in an excited tone. “Mommy!”

My wife enters the bath area and then into the small alcove that houses our toilet. “Megan you need to start flushing after you are done!”

With angst in her voice, “sorry mommy.”

My wife says “saying sorry isn’t enough, you have to change it. You just can’t keep saying your sorry without actually changing your behavior.”

So i’m sitting there wondering how much of her dialogue is directed towards our daughter and how much of it is residual from her snappish remark to me.


I love my wife but I truly wonder if it is a gift we men die before women do.



February 3 2015

Settle down sea-twits

I have nothing wrong with fandom of a sports team but when fandom turns to unbridled obsession it starts to get scary. In my opinion the sea-cocky-ness of Seattle fans is turning rabid. Maybe its because I live on the west coast and so more of my contacts are west coast based but I haven’t seen this level of sea-cocky-ness from any other group of fans so quickly develop as I have with Seattle. Now the Oakland “traitors” and the Dallas “cowgirlspies”

*(I realized that as much as I wanted to call them girls that is a probably a sexist comment. Still I have to show that I thought it so I am as much a pig as everybody else. Pobodies nerfect)

Seahawks Fans be like

Now with the “cowpies” and the “traitors” the fandom has been an ongoing thing and hasn’t been a bandwagon obsession.

*(Traitors because they moved away from NorCal)

**(Returning don’t count. Just because your girlfriend breaks up with you doesn’t mean you have to take her back)

I ask many a cowpie fan, serious fans mind you, what year Dallas went 1-15 for the season. Very very very few have ever answered my question correctly. Yes some of you younger whippersnappers might not yet have been born, but of my peers, you have no excuse.

Well now that’s its over can you all just settle down and try and not make yourselves look like a bunch of asses?

12th man! 12th man! we got a 12th man here!. See, Nobody Cares


That is all 🙂


February 1 2015

Movie – Imitation Game

So I had a date night last Friday and me and the wifeboss went to see “The Imitation Game.” I must say that I was impressed with Smaug’s acting prowess. The only other thing I have seen him in was as notKhan in Star Trek: Into Darkness. He was okay in that but didn’t seem to stand out much. Seeing how it was more of a popcorn and explosions and action movie I can see there not being that much room for character development.

There was a line/quote used in the movie which I found interesting. It was… “Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.”

This line seemed to encapsulate the character, Alan Turing, and his inability to interact with his peers. Now I know that was the intention as the line was used more than once throughout the movie.

Overall I would, as I don’t have a true scale, thumbs up/down or stars, as a “go see.”

Note to self: Come up with a movie rating scale that is worthy of my squirrel like mind.


February 1 2015

Its superbowl time

So my dad used to host Superbowl parties some years ago as he always had the largest TV (they size don’t matter but I beg to differ). My brother and I used to attend and often times when it wasn’t a team we really cared about (not niners) we would find more enjoyment in the commercials. My wife has also bought into this behavior as she has even less interest in any of the teams (she is a baseball girl).

Well today I am at somebodies house (they have the giant TV) and with the game being between the “sea pigeons” and the “cheatriots” and our host is pausing the game and rewinding only to then get caught up again during the commercials.

Cheesy grin (ggrrrr……)

Well at least I will be able to catch up on them at work tomorrow 😛

February 1 2015

It looks so… weird.

So I’m listening to the reviews being given about the prelude chapter to my story Mr. Kobayashi story and as typical, the conversation takes a detour.

Somebody brings up that they had envisioned the animal in my story as a “hairless bear.” They said google it and so I did. Damn that thing is ugly.



So its not exactly what I was going for but sure does make a good stand in 😛

It kinda looks like it has the ass of an elephant with the head of a wolf. In my story I was going for something more akin to a hybrid of a wolf and bear where it would be able to climb trees (bear) have a decent size (bear) have a predatory ferocity (wolf) and travel in hunting packs (wolf).





January 27 2015

Yet more proof as to the depth of my stupidity.

I am a customer of Amazon and have been reading a number of help books on various subjects. Some about marriage, some about sex, some about personalities and depression. The reason is I hope to develop a better understanding the characters in my novels as well as in real life.

So my wife and I recently merged out amazon kindle accounts so that we could read each others books. I am currently reading “Bossy Pants” by Tina Fey. My wife enjoyed it and got me interested but I kept finding excuses not to get around to it. Well after seeing some hot chick laughing hysterically on the train on my in to work (yes the male ego is such that upon seeing a hot chick reading something you instantly become interested) and thought I would pull it up. I am about half way done and so far its…. “okay”. Its not giggle out loudly on the train funny but it has its few moments.

Anyway back to the real reason I’m stupid, and not for letting my carnal sexual brain be the selector for my reading material. Or even that I am admitting it here. The real reason I consider myself stupid is that I bought a book about female sexuality a month or so ago on advance purchase. It was finally released yesterday and upon opening up my kindle while sitting on the throne before work I spotted it as part of my queue. I got all excited thinking that my wife had bought it and was doing some “research” on kicking up the fires of passion between us.

Nope, I’m just an idiot.

January 26 2015

Two months since last post … yes i’m lame

So what’s been going on over the past two months?

It’s winter, kids get sick –> I get sick

Wife gets sick –> I get sick

Couple of holidays in there.

Couple of birthdays in there.

Did I mention the whole family has been getting sick? My wife was down for almost two weeks straight which meant I had to do just about everything around the house while she was pretty much bed ridden. It wasn’t pretty but we survived.

Also during the entire month of December I was suffering from a serious case of the blahs. I just had no real motivation for doing anything beyond what needed to be done. It was weird as I have never suffered from depression (that I know of.. wink wink nudge nudge) but for the entire month I just felt like blah. I didn’t feel like doing much of anything. I wasn’t “depressed” but it was just more of a tired and run down kinda thing.

My cat, Bruiser, just jumped on my lap and is half laying upon my fingers, which are protecting my keyboard, and half on my gut. Not very comfortable for typing.

I started cleaning up my Mr. Kobayashi story and am trying to get it into second draft status. For some reason I am finding this extremely difficult. I think its the time involved more than anything. With writing things just flow out but with second drafts you have to look forward and back and have to make sure you keep things in line which to my squirrel mind is very difficult. Still it is something that needs to be done.

Did i mention Bruiser weighs fifteen pounds and is intentionally trying to wiggle himself out over the tips of fingers to land upon the keyboard of my laptop.

He is so heavy(fat).

While I’m typing this I’m also updating all of the WordPress plugins and apps in another browser window. Yeah multi distractions!

Jesus Christ! 1349 spam comments on my site. I had no idea I had won that many Nigerian lottery prizes. I’m thinking I need to stop blabbering and start answering if I am ever going to collect my moneys.

My cat is fat. He is purring so loudly though 🙂

I am thinking I need to setup some other filters to route all that spam comment crap 🙁

Why do things have to be so stupid? I mean seriously (1st world problems) why do third world people have to waste my time cleaning up after they go around spamming everything on the web?

Now my laptop is on top of my cat. He isn’t like this too much (devilish grin)

Hey it worked, he got irritated, not unlike me, and decided to jump off.

Well all the stuff is updated so I’m going to end this rant and go clean a litter box. Now don’t get all envious of my exciting life.