February 20 2015

New story idea

Testing from phone


It seems to be working correctly 🙂


And now to post my idea….



So the squirrel in my brain came up with a new story idea and I want to run the two different angles by any scifi person here

This requires that you have seen the following two movies in order to better understand the angles I am contemplating between.

Angle 1…
The movie(book) A.I. (Spielberg)

Angle 2…
The movie Aliens 4

So the basic premise is a human clone awakens for the first time before a race of aliens that have grown him. He is physically an adult but emotionally a baby. While he was being grown he was saturated with their speech so he has a basic understanding of their language upon “waking up”. He of course lacks the physical traits needed in order to produce their sounds of speech but will eventually be given a speak-and-spell toy that will help him out. Over months/few years he grows up and that is where I am not certain about which way to take it.

Now which sounds more interesting…

Angle 1 is the benevolent benefactor one with the aliens having grown our protagonist from a long lost star fighter pilot that has been drifting through space for eons. Think the android/aliens with David at the end of A.I. In this one I don’t have a have central focus/conflict figured out yet. I’m thinking it will be along the lines of stunted maturity/EMO where he wants to be with his kind and eventually leaves(escapes) the station in search for others like him.

Angle 2 is a darker one with an alien race growing a clone in order to use it as a infiltration for a future planned attack on the earth. Think Aliens 4 lab growing multiple clones and training them. In this I have been toying with the idea of one of the clones escaping into the vents having learned/matured enough as to know that the aliens are bad and starts killing off the other clones but makes it look like freak accidents. So its a serial killer killing himself aboard a deep space station. Basically Dexter in space whacking himself.

Which one/two? sounds more like crap?

February 19 2015

You need a better “pickup” line

So I’m sitting in my car listening to the radio in the parking garage waiting for the next train to arrive which will take me downtown. I find myself glancing around and taking in the excitement that is the early morning of a parking garage when a transient looking woman makes her way over to my car. She stops just outside my window and says “can you give us a ride just across the bridge?”

Naturally I look around who else is included in “us” and notice her partner not far away.

Now I don’t want to sound cold hearted but it was early in the morning and my train was going to arrive soon enough. The bridge in question was only a thousand feet or so down the street. The span across the bridge is rather long but that is not the issue.

I politely decline (at least it sounded that way coming out of my biased lips) and told her my train would be arriving shortly (mostly true).

So she walks away and I think that’s the end of it.

Silly me.

Not a full minute later she comes back and says “Can I have $2? I just got out of prison.”

Mmmkay buh-bye



February 18 2015

I draw the line here…

So I’m sitting in a McDonald’s (yes I like hanging out due to the free WiFi and $1 iced tea) and I look out and notice an elderly Hispanic(Mexican?/racist?) woman who has about 50/50 of salt to pepper in her hair.

Enough of the sharpie eyebrows please!

That is all.

February 13 2015

Friday the 13th

This used to mean a bit more to me but only during my more goofy teenage years. Now that I know life is ‘blah’ and my how my first world problems aren’t that grievous I just don’t care that much anymore.

#1stWorldApathy :/


February 11 2015

Something about writing? WTF?

Just so you all know I have to produce something about writing now and again. Otherwise the society of Amnesic Hostile Organization for Literary Empowerment Society (A.H.O.L.E.S.) come in and yank my domain name out from under me.

Now I’m sure I could have come up with a better name for the fictional organization but since I am writing in first draft mode and spend already far too long on the name (fifteen seconds) it is going to have to do.

I am still plugging away at cleaning up my Mr. K. story and once the second half of my prologue gets fairy dusted by my reading group I will post it here. What I mean by fairy dusted is that the group is primarily made up of kind hearted people who don’t want to step on toes or upset each other. You know the grandma types. So after I dust off the glitter residue I will post it here and start hitting up other authors sights to invite some of the hate that I know is so rarely found on the internet.

Thinking about it further I will have to come up with a better fictional name (evil grin).

That is all.

February 10 2015

Brian Williams… pulled a “faux”

So Brian Williams, the current anchor, for NBC news was caught ’embellishing’ a story and now is having to face the so called firing line because of it.

(Rolling eyes) Seriously? Yes I understand he had a momentary mind blank but come on. The entire faux network is built upon embellishment. Their whole “some people say” line (google it) is their biggest… (resisting the urge to curse) … load of ‘hokey poo’ there is.

Yes he fibbed. So every fisherman you have ever known. Now I acknowledge he shouldn’t have and that a fisherman doesn’t have the kind of moral integrity that a nationwide news anchor needs to uphold but let me ask you this. Have your parents ever lied to you? Have your parents, the most important people in your developmental youth, said something a little bit crazy? I would assume that they have, more than once, and you turned out reasonably well enough having suffered through it.

Cut the man some slack. I mean he was shot at for Christ’s sake 😉


February 8 2015

Inspiration for Characters

So my writing group just had a meetup this last Saturday and the topic came up with “how do you keep your characters from sounding like each other.”

I am by no means a professional writer but I do have some of my tricks which I hope to share.

I have seen other authors whip out these intensely detailed excel sheets that have everything conceivable about the their characters written upon them. I have thought of trying something like that in my past but it seems far too laborious for me and to be honest “I ain’t got no time for this.”

I take another approach, I do what real authors do, I follow the words of the popular phrase “Good artists copy; great artists steal.” Now I don’t mean outright plagiarism but I do mean take and make something my own. In my most recent NaNoWriMo, in the interest of keeping up with my daily word count, at least I keep trying to tell myself this, I copied a number of characters out of popular culture and “reinvented them” into my story. I used Sheldon Cooper from the television show Big Bang Theory. Now my book has him as part of a military seal team going into to investigate an anomaly of extra dimensional origin. Now I know, or at least suspect, that as zany as the show gets this is never going to be one of the their plot lines. I am free to give him an entirely different name and back history but “reuse” or alter him in such way as to make him mine. When writing the dialogue I just envision Sheldon Cooper and think how would he respond to this situation?

Call it cheating if you will but I argue when was the last time you ever read anything that was truly original? Everything is recycled again in one form or another. Mythic hero archetype anyone?



February 6 2015

Am I “Write” or am I “Wrong”

So the name of my domain is a pun. I’m sure that is obvious to just about everyone. But something about it has been bugging me in the back of my mind. I think its it’s an ego thing but to be honest I’m not sure how to phrase it. So… a blabbering I will go.

The “Write” Dave is supposed to be about writing. But as I am trying to come up with other things to post about it has occurred to me that “Write” can be thought of as “Right” as well. This is where it feels slippery to me. In no way am I saying I am never wrong or infallible. I can be just as dumb/misguided/uniformed as the next idiot.

So is my assessments of the Seattle sea-chickens bandwagoning wrong?  … No. It’s my opinion. Everything here is just that, my opinion.

Politically I am like most people in the united states (or at least most people thing they represent the ‘norm’. That is not lost upon me.) I am socially liberal and fiscally more conservative. In no way am I one of those people who believe I shouldn’t pay for my share of what makes society run. I like my flushing toilets and roads to drive upon. The phrase “I built that” by (w)Romney in 2012 is the epitome(yes I had to look up correct spelling) of stupidity. We are all parts in a much greater entity that we call ‘society.’

I think what is also bugging me is the notion that by saying “i am right(write)” is that it identifies me with one group over another. I guess I can’t really stop you and if you want to label me go wright* ahead.

Yes the spelling was intestinal as we are all full of it.