Bunch of things…
*Amanda sucks*
She is the group leader for our in person writing group and she made the topic of today about blogging knowing full well that dolphins can breath air.
I know what you are thinking… “What does that have to do with anything?”
Rage knows no reason. Question my rage further and you too will suffer my digital wrath!
/Sanity On…
Actually today is my Daughters birthday and I have domestic duties but that don’t mean I can’t hold a grudge (however fictional)
/Sanity off…
Next topic. Random squirrel thinking. WHy doesn’t NASA use DARPA technology on its next wave of exploring robots? Yes I know the darpa units are still experiemental and NASA is all about *WORKING* until unpredictable conditions.
/Logic off…
It would just be so cool to see a BIG DOG running across Mars is all.
Uh… the internet still sucks BIG DOG balls at my sons Gym.
I actually had more stuff to rant about but having the internet load so friggin slow has made the rest of my thoughts evaporate.
*BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP* [Computer voice] “Squirrel juice is running dangerously low”
[1980’s Gauntlet Arcade Machine Voice] “Elf shot the food”
We are going to go see Transelvania Hotel 2 as part of my daughters party.
My sons gym class is over.
Ranting done.