November 1 2015

Took my son home…and writing profit

So I got my son home after the birthday party only to learn that the cat barfed on our king size comforter. I plugged my 1% juice laptop in and gave it a half hour while I got some things together. So here I am at the laundromat stuffing 24 quarters into the machine and am trying to come up with how I am going to start my NaNoWriMo story.

I wasn’t ready for this but am not going to complain.

Now to close this off and get back to my Sup-Her story.

November 1 2015

FU & challenge accepted?

So today is November 1st, the first day of NaNoWriMo. My travel laptop had no charge left so i let it charge overnight. Today i am a friend of Drew’s birthday party and thought “time to pump out my first 1668 words.”
Eerrrr… The laptop never charged. So here i am mocking interest amongst a bunch of five year olds all screaming “mommy/daddy watch me” in a pit of plastic balls.
Looks like i have some catching up to do at work tomorrow.

Challenge accepted?

One of the other dads just came up to make small talk. #Introvertpowersactivate# #iwishididntfeelawkward#

October 27 2015

Just finished 22(18c) & Boo!

It’s lunch and I just finished another Doug chapter. Boy this guy is dumb 😛

On a lighter note I have to start thinking about working on the haunted house at my daughter’s school again. It got canceled a week and a half ago due to some ‘sprinkles.’ Does the use of ‘sprinkles’ convey my opinion clearly enough?

Anywho… I was hoping to finish Doug out before NaNoWriMo starts up but I may just put it on pause again. My overall last word count now sits at 35,100 out of an original 19,500 words. I don’t expect to cross the 40k line but you never MUSEknow.


Lunch is over…


October 23 2015

Doug… Chapter 20(18a) done

It turns out that my original chapter 18, which came in at 1300 words, had some real room for growth. It currently sits at 1700 words and that is just the first part “a” of it. I already have about 1,000 words sprawled out into chapter 21(18″b”) but paused in writing it to finish cleaning up the first part.

This is all climax stuff so the meatier the better.

Now to give an update on my overall numbers. Original draft 1 had 21 chapters overall and came in at 19,500 words. Chapter two now looks to end around chapter 24 and as of chapter 20 has 30,100 words.

Well, it’s almost time to get off the train again and start my domesticated family life again.

Tootles for now…

October 22 2015

To be or not to be…

I think some wise old grizzled fart said that once.

Note to self: be kinder to older grizzled farts as i am slowly approaching being one myself.

Relevance of this rant/
once more i find myself standing upon the precipice of flakiness. I have been tasked with running our writing groups peer reviews and as it always seems to be in my life i am amongst people i would deem flakes. Its kind of like people who put those 26.2 mile decals on their cars yet upon them getting out you can clearly see they were thinking it meant feet. I guess what I’m trying to say is that in order to be something then you need to do something. One can not be labeled as a writer if one does not practice it.

/rant over 🙁

October 15 2015

Silver Surfer is back?!

According to this rumor…

…which is on the internets so it must be true…Marvel is getting the Fantastic Four back. This means they are getting back the Silver Surfer as well.


The Infinity War just wasn’t going to be the same without him.


Now please excuse me now while I try and tame my internet boner.