November 27 2015

Day 26 on the 27th

So the day after I reached my 50,000 I told myself I was done.

The trick worked.

I was having issues with getting the story to come to a close and so I convinced myself that I was indeed done so my mind would focus on other things, like planning the Thanksgiving we were hosting here. Well I woke up at 6am on Thursday, normally its 5am on a workday, and couldn’t get back to sleep as my mind was coming up with angles as to a real ending for my book. I came down and over the course of two hours cranked out another 2,200 words in which bare boned out how I wanted the book to resolve a good number of issues.

It still isn’t done mind you, but I managed to tie together about 80% of my loose ends.

I would also say that where I forced a hold on my story the overall story was at about the 80% mark in being done. With the additional outline skeleton its now more like 95% outlined. I just need to get the grand finale figured out.

Today, being the 27th, I’ve been all about eating leftovers and farting every time one of the kids gets near me.

Life is good.

I am thankful.


November 24 2015

Day 24 – ride home

Okay so I got in 2,000 for the day which now puts me at 48,200.

Two things…
1.. I round down when writing so I need to add everything up and see where I actually stand.
2.. I’m not really done with the story and am trying to come to a close with an ending that just isn’t really doing it for me

November 20 2015

Nov 20th

I think i may have figured out my blahs…I have a hidden cold?

I’m not “sick” but I am ass dragging and have a headache and just want to take a nap.

I donated blood yesterday so I’m a bit concerned about my bloods integrity but I don’t want to cry wolf either.

What to do?

Logically I’m going to wait to see how this plays out knowing full well they hold the blood for a week or so in the freezer pending test results.
