December 17 2015

Motor (Finger) Mouth


So I’m currently cleaning up day 1 of my NaNoWriMo piece. Day 1 had about 1800 words in all with it being broken into two parts being 530 words and 1270 words. Well, I cleaned up the part 1 of it and it went from 530 words to just over 1,300. Just today I got back around to working on the second part and halfway through that I was already around 1,700 words.

Here is a breakdown for math challenged individuals…

Day 1 – Part 1 originally 530 words…now 1,300 words

Day 1 – Part 2 originally 650 words…now 1,700 words

Day 1 – Part 3 originally 650 words…pending me getting to.

So if you take what I’ve done of day 1 it’s nearly tripled in overall length. Damn!

Once I have day 1 finished I am going to parse it out to a few people and ask them to read them both in a blind study. I am going to see what they say in comparing the two against each other. Am I putting in too much junk or is it needed?

[Mr Burns Intertwining fingers] Release the draft hounds!

December 17 2015

Several years late… “The Bitch in Apartment 23”

Okay I’ve been busy with kids and life and stuff and more stuff and some more and(s). In between all this being busy a show appeared on ABC back in 2012 called the “The Bitch in Apartment 23”. I never noticed it but upon finishing up “Jessica Jones” on Netflix their suggestion bot threw it up for me to consider.


Talk about left field raunchy comedy. It gives me 1980’s Dan Fielding from Night Court shivers of pure joy.

I just got done with season 1 and seriously want to play with my nipples right now.


And now for the sad part. I googled it and discovered that it only ran for two seasons before being canceled.



December 16 2015

I’m guilty of an *Evil* $10 trick

So I have an old email address which is constantly being used by some derp in England who can’t seem to enter in his own legitimate address when signing up for things. I have his address and all sorts of information about him. The thing I don’t have is his legitimate email address from which to contact him and tell him to stop using mine.

So I get a bill in my email about a food delivery where he got himself a pizza from a place not far from where he lives. Getting iritated at him and his inability to use his own email I pull up the sites page and login in as him using the “forgot my password – email me the change” function and login as him and order up some more food. They have his credit card info on file so I go ahead and order up another pizza of sauerkraut and chilli and have it sent over to the same address along with a Childs menu banana shake.  -Yum!

I could have done much worse but I’m not that evil.



December 16 2015

Home with a sick son

It’s amazing just how much time a little five-year-old can suck from what promises to be a quasi-productive day. I have accomplished so little and the day (before 5pm) is almost over. Oh I’ve managed to do a number of mindless tasks like washing clothes and skimming the pool just fine but anything requiring even the slightest bit of thought…FORGET ABOUT IT!

Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy-



December 15 2015

WordPress 4.4

So over the weekend I tried to update my site to WordPress 4.4

It didn’t work out that well. Just today I squeaked in some time to call into my host and figure out what happened. Apparently they didn’t a lot me enough space for this upgrade to take place. it’s been fixed now, but this now leaves me wondering just how much(little) space I had?

Oh well, it’s fixed now.

December 10 2015

Scrivener and unreasonablness

Okay so I’ve been having some difficulty in getting scrivener installed on another machine. It’s been about a week now and over a dozen emails back and forth with one of their email associates. The issue has been I typed in my key for my prior version of scrivener not knowing that upon downloading an updated version that it would require a different key.

I know…silly me 😛

Today, after trying this and that and everything else they recommended, dropped the bomb on it. I factory restored my device just so I could purge it of the invalid key. Yes, it’s overkill but with them not being able to assist me in clearing out the wrong key what choice did I really have? I’m not a registry editor hack and I don’t think I should be.

Anyway now that my machine is up and going again, this time with scrivener installed correctly, I am in the clear. That is once I get office installed again and all my preferences twinked back.

It kills me with some of the suggestions I was getting it was blatantly apparent the agent hadn’t fully read through my emails. In their defense, I’m sure they have a number of cases they deal with on an hourly basis.

-Erked guy who is trying hard not to insert the “J” in the front of this sentence.



December 9 2015

Frickity Frack Frack

I have a cold again and while it’s not full blown I’m still feeling blah and down.

I yet once again hate the lack of internet at my work which inhibits me from working on my private stuff at work when it’s slow.

I just got myself a $60 8″ windows tablet and was hoping to install scrivener on it. Thankfully they have a liberal install policy but with me being unable to remember what my install key and account is I have to email them to help figure this out.

TIMEOUT INSIGHT – It’s December 7th. Guess what month’s writing event just finished? Yes NaNoWriMo just ended and they are swamped with dealing with a horde of new customers emailing them with their own issues.

On Saturday last I actually started my second draft of Sup-Her and got about 750 words in of my first drafts 53,000.

That is all

December 1 2015

Work is busy

How dare it, the nerve.


Last night I was late in getting to bed because I’ve been fidgeting with trying to get the “windows narrator” feature to read my stuff to me.

GGrrrr… It’s not working.

At work they don’t let us use the Wi-Fi for our personal devices (GGrrrr) so I have to wait until I’m home to do my own personal tinkering. Of course that means I can’t really start any kind of tinkering until after the kids are finally in bed which unfortunately isn’t until 9:30+.

Chloroform is starting to look like the next hobby I’m going to pickup.

November 30 2015

Sup-Her – The elevator pitch


The elevator pitch for my story, which I’m still working on, is “The world’s first and last superhero awakens from a plane crash only to discover she now has amnesia. The world soon discovers her once more as she comes to terms with why she went into hiding in the first place.”

It came in just over 50,000 words when I put a temporary cork in it before the holiday. I still have more I want to add to it and am not worried about the word count as I tend to write sparse 1st drafts. Second drafts tend to bloat up by around 50% with descriptive fill-ins and additional material, which is already percolating in my head.