January 3 2016

Busy doing nothing

Okay so the kids are hanging out with Gma and I’m doing a bunch of busy nothing work. I’m trying to straighten out my NaNoWriMo story “Sup-Her” from a few weeks ago and get the thing into Scrivener.


Facebook posting*

Texting the wife*

Libre Office is no longer responding = another reboot*

Updating some dates on our Meetup.com writing group*

All stuff that needs to be done and getting done but I still feel as if nothing is getting done.


(Hummed to the TV tune “2 and half men”)

Done- done- done…

Done- da-done- done…

Done- done- done…

Da-done- done- done….




December 31 2015

Throne Edicts…”Leave Daddy Alone Please”


As I’m sitting here on my porcelain proclamation SITuation (a.k.a. hiding from the kids) it’s come to my attention that I do most of my work here.

Sadly it doesn’t last as all I’ve gotten in the sentence above and already my son has found me and is yelling at me about his trash can that are in here and how he desperately needs them this very instance.

I just put in the header title on this post.

They say kids are worth it (taps heels of my ruby red slippers together)

They say kids are worth it (taps heels of my ruby red slippers together)

They say kids are worth it (taps heels of my ruby red slippers together one last time)


My legs are starting to fall asleep.

(Closing my eyes and touch typing this….)


They say kids are worth it-

Who am I kidding? This stinks. My throne shouldn’t smell like this.

Here’s to a better new year for all.




December 31 2015

Okay So I’m missing something here…

Last night I went to see Star Wars: TFA for a second time and during the commercials before the movie there was an add for the “MissingUniverseMuseum.org”

I shouldn’t even be mentioning this kind of trash but the stupid…it hurts too much.

I almost feel the burning desire to stop this kind of stupid. I’m busy with my own life stuff but just knowing this is out there corrupting those that can’t seem to think for themselves is almost too much to swallow.

Does that make me sound arrogant? Sure, I accept that. Now just own that this site is “THAT STUPID”


December 30 2015

My Son…(Isn’t my son)

So I’ve been off of work this week and been spending some time with the family but also trying to do some odds and ends around the house. Well, today my wife took the kids with her to visit one of her friends who had a boy around their ages. I got done with my stuff and headed out to meet them and pick up the kids. Randomly my wife and I met up outside a movie theater where we transferred the kids to me so she could go drinking with some of her friends. Let me say this again in case this part was overlooked. The kids and I were standing outside of a movie theater.

I said, “Hey guys, Star Wars is playing. Who wants to see it with Daddy?”

My Daughter, age nine, says, “Yeah, can I get popcorn?”

My Son, age five, says, “I just want to go home.”

Does anybody want a slightly used five-year-old boy who is infatuated with (My best Hank Hill voice from the animated show King of the Hill) trash and trash like accessories?



December 30 2015


So I wrote the following line in my blog earlier today which read “Now if you will excuse me I must pretend to interact with him as he dumps his play garbage cans for the eleventity billionith time.”

I realized, only after the fact, that to some people that can make me come off as a complete ass. I would like to delve further into that viewpoint and point out the definition of insanity which according to the Albert Einstein via the website BrainQuote.com it is “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Is my child insane? Am I insane for even suggesting this? Do I not go to work each and every day (no I’m not including weekends for the smart asses out there) expecting myself to…. do what exactly? Have enough money to get by and make my family and myself comfortable? All the while I’m inching closer and closer to the day I die hoping that maybe, just maybe, one of those lottery tickets, or some other miracle, is going to pay off?


I did call my son crazy but you know what? Look at the source and tell me not to throw glass cause I too live in a rock house- err- or something like that.




December 30 2015

Dec- Daddy- Daddy- Daddy!

I woke up early, went pee, and decided it was some “ME” time. No sooner than I get downstairs and nestled into the lazy-boy than does my son wake up. This child, who normally sleeps far past this point, can somehow smell when I get a moment for myself, and through Murphyism, decides he must demand my services.

Yeah… parenthood….Yeah….

Now if you will excuse me I must pretend to interact with him as he dumps his play garbage cans for the eleventity billionith time.

December 28 2015

Beta Readers

Life is full of roadblocks. Health, time, focus, family, self-sabotage, you name it – it can be a roadblock. Here I am at another roadblock in my life. I have food, shelter, a decent level of comfort and most importantly my health, at least, I believe I do, and family.

Back when I first thought I had a voice to share with the world through the stories in my mind I feared doing just that. Now that I have overcome my self-doubts I find myself before another precipice. One that I have no clue as how to get past. I need friends and peers to bounce ideas and works off of. I have joined various writing groups both in person and online and of those it is a rare bird who (Jerry McGuire) completes me.

I am looking for like minded people…



December 28 2015

New Theme

Okay I’m really liking this new theme. I’ve been tinkering with it all day and cleaning up some things but overall…my son is bugging me again. He is telling me my minute is over and I need to go watch him play garbage truck up in his room.

My life is fractional.