February 5 2016

Shut Up and Write ~ The Fleeting Mojo-JoJo

So here I am, sitting in the Carmichael public library pecking away at my keyboard. I am trying to recover the mojo I had just moments before when I was sitting on the outside bench and working on my PK story. Somebody interrupted me and the flow that I had going on in my head evaporated.

Yes, I made a Power Puff Girls reference above. The monkey in my brain is churning the wheel but so far since my interruption nothing but grinding music is coming out.

“The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves!”


February 4 2016

Part 2 of Feb 3rd Rant….

This is actually a part two to yesterday’s rant I started as I was leaving work.

Here is a bit of back story of the practices of the Regional Transit Authority for Sacramento. In the past, when running late, they would dump off riders at a certain point along the line and then turn around and head back into town now back on schedule. Their goal is to keep to the schedule and damn any of the riders that are inconvenienced by this apparent premature dumping. Now let me also explain that for most of the tracks length they have two lines, one dedicated for outward bound, and one for inward bound. At some point along the way it is no longer feasible to maintain dual lines and so they run only a single line towards the end of the route. I get it, it makes sense, and it’s kinda of redundancy of resources when one line would suffice.

Last night the train heading out of downtown was running late again. I don’t know the reason nor do I care. All I know is that just after where the track split they elected to dump us off at the Hazel stop in the cold. The conductor said another train would be following her and would coming to pick us up shortly to take us the rest of the way down the line.

Okay I buy the logic in this but not so much the inconvenience it puts upon us, especially when you learn what happened next. The train finishes unloading us and the driver makes her way from the old front of the train to the rear of it, or the new front, and heads back into town. She doesn’t even cross the next boulevard before crashing into a car and having to be stuck there.

So there we are, within sight of this debacle, freezing our asses off, wondering how long this mess is going to take to clear up before we can get to our stops and go home for the night.

The car the train crashed into was being driven by a woman and her two kids. First, who the fuck can’t see a train that is 300 feet long coming their way? Second, who the fuck does stupid shit like this with their kids in the backseat? She suffered moderate injuries and her kids fared much better. I will admit it, the republican a part of me, the part that isn’t prolife once a baby is born, is wishing she had died. If only she had died before reproducing. Now with the kids I know that if she had died those kids would be in a really messed up life.

It just goes to show how one persons “Oh I’m special and need special treatment” can end up causing so much grief for those she is completely ignorant towards, which apparently includes her own kids. I could say her single moment of selfishness cost close to a thousand people’s time and resources when you include all those left on the station, those on the next few trains also going home, the emergency crews having to be dispatched, and everyone’s families that had to come and pick up the various stranded passengers.

-Fucking idiot.


February 3 2016

We will all end up losing

I’m at my desk at work.

I don’t want to be there. My headphones are in my ears, both of them. One of my shitty coworkers was abusing the use of headphones by having both plugged in and blaring while walking around the halls with their face buried in their phone. All it takes is one retard to piss in the pool so everyone gets to suffer. I don’t care because I’m sitting at my desk. I have an album playing in my ears that’s kind of a mix between techno and trance. I’m physically at the office but my mind is elsewhere.

I am free.

Or so I would like to think.

I’m thinking about how little time I have in my days and or life. I want to be able to do what I want to do but I can’t. I have to play along in this stupid system. Earn a paycheck, pay the bills, and be ignored by the one person who is supposed to work with me in supporting each other.

I am alone.

Earlier today I found myself up on the 15th floor of where I work. I spent a good ten or so minutes looking out at the valley and thinking just how small our lives are in the grand scope of things.

I’m waiting for the train to pick me up.

Some fuck-face is power-smoking half a dozen feet away in some attempt at feeding enough of their disgusting habit to ride out their trip on the train and not go into withdrawals. Humanity is fucked. We are so simple minded of a species to only care about our immediate needs at the exclusion of its true long term cost.

-Enough Stupidity for now


February 1 2016

2200 kicking & screaming wor(L)ds

The voices are loud right now. They are all sounding like this right now…

Let me talk.
Write about me.
Skip those other thoughts, im funnier.

Im just going to babble in hopes of appeasing them all.

Funny thing happened saturday. One of my flakey friends actually showed. Wait arent i worried about them reading this and getting upset?

Simply…no. It takes more than a fluke to make a pattern. Prove me wrong 🙂

Now i did give him my entire first draft to a story, Sup-Her, so we will see what he does with that.

I was busy at work today playing catchup for having missed last friday due to my stone. On the ride in and at lunch i did manage to get down 2200 words down on my new puppy kicker idea.

I also finished an audio book and started another. Parts of my job are manual in nature and allows me freedom to take in books at times like these.

The author described first drafts in general as shitty and as (getting it) *DOWN drafts. The second is the (patch) *UP draft. Its essentially the first draft you wish you had done the first time. The third draft is then the patching(plugging) draft where you plug the holes presented to you from your second draft.
I thought this way cute and accurate.

I want to write more but im stuck having to hand peck this out on my cell phone because the train is so crowded. #1stWorldProblems

Just saw a text from my daycare place about my daughter. She is crying about her homework.