February 19 2016

Day of errands & odds

So today is Friday. I have the day off from work and have a few things I am trying to get done. One is get the brakes replaced on my car. They just called and said it was done and so I need to keep this brief and walk back over. I’m hanging out at a Starbucks and got up to @29,600 words in my PK story. Not nearly enough but everything helps.

I also got off the phone with a long time friend of mine. I haven’t chatted with her in far too long but that is the way life is. You savor what you can get.

Kisses and Hugs Kimber.

Once I pick up my car I have to head back home and see what the wife has in store for me. She has some stuff to do as well probably needs me to cover being with the kids.


February 18 2016

It’s the environMEnt?

So my daughter is sick today. I’m staying home and catching up on a number of TV shows, cause that’s important stuff, and not getting a whole lot of writing done. I could…It’s not like it would be that hard…I think I would just rather do nothing.

For one thing having my headphones in and having my trance music playing is a must for my muse. Another is to have less other things I could be doing. I’m still recovering from my month long cold and am constantly coughing so that is part of my distraction.

Having the cats constantly jumping up onto my lap and smashing(smothering) my fingers against the chicklets is also kind of distracting. I’m currently writing this from a safe location that is secure from the small felines who wish to inhabit my lap, the porcelain throne room.

I’m not under any obligation to write today. I even had my alarm set to go off at the normal 5:am thinking I would wake up and get a good hour of writing in before the rest of the family got up. HA! Who was I thinking I was kidding?

Oh well…

Sometimes you need nothing to fill you back up again. Wait….huh?




February 17 2016

PK bus ride in now @25,300

Every little bit helps.

Now I don’t know who caught that. I only did after I wrote it. I said in my title ‘BUS’ instead of ‘train’. Just so happens I was writing about PK and buses. Talk about Freudian slips. I was also writing about my spin-off of ‘two girl’s, once cup’ with ‘one man, six toilets’. Glad that one didn’t drizzle or skid into my article….EEK!

-Pooples people!