Okay try this out…
Lets change out election process so that each and every person within a congressional district must fill out a questionnaire filled with various topics that are deemed poignant to the area and to the region. Lets say 33% are Federal questions, 33% are State questions, and 33% are local questions. These questions are created by the aforementioned parties. This then sheet of 100 questions is a requirement that all able bodied people must fill out otherwise they run the risk of losing their citizenship or public services etc…
Now after these are turned in and a computer model* looks at them and the program selects five unique people out of those who selected the box “[yes/no] I would consider a position as a member of congress if one would be offered to me.” These people represent the five strongest models of differing viewpoints given as deemed by those who filled out the questionnaire.
*(The computer model is open source)
Two months later an election is held in which “the people” vote on one of those five candidates who they want to represent them in their government.
There is no guarantee of being reelected and all prior representatives are then tossed back into the pool to be pulled from for the next election following should they click the appropriate [yes/no] box.
This Trump shit has got to go.