So this last weekend I went to San Francisco and had a few hours to kill both going and coming home. I had purchased this book on kindle for something like $3 and noticed that Amazon’s Matchmaker program had the audio listed for another $3. I felt this was worth it and bought the audio add on. Guess what I listened to during my drive to Frisco?
I just finished chapter 5 and let me tell you the book is fair with the exception of the authors slave sex fetish. So in the story the Earth has been invaded and a number of people have been abducted to which be sold into slavery on the alien worlds. I can’t tell you the number of times various characters say something along the line “they are going to have sex with our women.”
I’ve reached the point where its now nauseating to me. Again chapter 5. I can honestly say I’ve heard that close to 10 times by now. Yes, I am supposed to disbelieve some parts of our reality when reading a book based in fantasy but this is starting to really feel like chalkboard nails to me.
I don’t know but for some things I can forgive the illusion of fantasy but for other things I can’t. I know that on the earth, turtles, ducks, whales, all are more genetically closer to humans than any species from any kind of alien realm. Yes I can forgive the humanoid like appearance but why is all genitalia always human based? I mean ducks have corkscrew penises and turtles have this large spatula shaped penis. Google it if you have a strong stomach. I’m not going to go the whale route here. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that the diversity of Earth species genitalia why/how/wtf am I supposed to believe that all aliens crave our human females.
The movie(TV show) Alien Nation did a good job with this. They had to obviously use humans as the alien actors. Again this is extremely forgivable. They however described the genitalia as being on their backs and had an entirely different reproductive process.
To me it felt as if the author was using the novel as an outlet for their inner teenage “boobies” angst.
As a heterosexual male it pains me to say this… NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITH HUMAN FEMALES.
-my .02$