August 26 2016

Human Story (1st Draft) is done. ~5,400 words

I’m kind of proud of myself. I managed to chug my way this thing and got saw the light on the other side. The contest desired length of between 3,000 and 6,000 words. As natural for me I tend to put more in than is necessary and still end up feeling as if not enough got put in.


I printed off a few copies and am going to hand them out between my two writing groups to see what kind of feedback I get.

Oh, and It’s after 3pm and its Friday 😛

August 26 2016

Friday… welcome back my lovely bitch

It’s early. It’s 5:30 on a Friday morning and I’m hanging out with a couple of hobos in the lobby of a local McDonalds doing some email checking and account maintenance on a couple of things.

I need to start writing again on my human story, I’m just not sure how to best handle it. You see I’m basically a panster when it comes to down to it. I tend to start something and then when I get into trouble I push it aside for a couple of days as the back of my mind works on the fine details of it. In the meantime, I try to tend to other responsibilities or even working on a different story.

Yesterday on the train ride home I came to realization that the story I was currently working on would have a sporting event that was a mix between the television show American Ninja and the board game clue. WTF you say? Yes, much like my idea for full contact golf, this would have contestants compete against odds, and each other, in order to collect clues to use to try and solve the competition. It is of course timed and dangerous as the participants are encouraged to take out their competition. TIME OUT in my mind. I think I’m describing the hunger games? I have never read those books and only watched the first movie, which I HATED. Still, the premise is somewhat similar. Then again I breathe oxygen just like Bill Gates therefore, I too must be a nerd who… okay bad example.

Okay time to get off my butt and get over to the train station and start in on my story again, enough stalling 😛

August 24 2016

Something Old and New again

I’m trying to install Linux “again” on one of my netbooks.

Now for the new. I’ve been working on a couple of new sci-fi pieces. One is the prolog to my story about a space fighter pilot who gets shot down. I don’t want to say much more as it, like everything else I tend to write, has a twist to it. The other story is something I am working on for submitting to this “

I’m about 1,000 words in and have reached a bit of an impasse. It’s not due anytime soon so I’m going to give it a few days distance and try to focus once more on cleaning up the last few chapters of Sup-Her.


It looks like the install was successful. At least successful enough to have booted into Ubuntu. I have yet to try to windows partition again :/

August 17 2016

Sup-Her day 19 done

I had a quasi productive editing day. ?


Moment if bitching: life isnt fair. Its not supposed to be. If it was then there wouldnt be so many dying aids babies and my wife be sexually attracted to me.

What? Did i go too far with one/both of my comments? Waaa

It is days like today that i contemplate these words…

 “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us”

Anybody figure out where that quote came from?

In yesterdays(day before??) post i made a decree about getting more time in the day. I want to do so much more but have sourly come to realize i am but a mortal. 

Maybe, if i ever make it in the business, i could get myself some sexy little hot baby faced intern to be my *aid. 

/twisted 1st world humor.

I need therapy 😉


Update: I originally wrote the above post on my phone and did some copy/pasting. Only today, looking back, do I notice the formatting issues. Oops




August 15 2016

Cleaning up day 17 of Sup-Her :)

I need more time in the day.

It’s official.

I hereby decree that I require more time throughout any and all days.

I know I can’t control the spin of the earth or how fast the earth orbits around the sun…(note to self – idea for next novel)

In addition to getting more time I require internet access and a decent computer (preferably with two screens) and most importantly, to be left the frick alone. Having decent tunes is also a requirement.

In the words of Jean-Luc Picard…


August 14 2016

Weekend of (smert)Misc Stuff

Yes I am very smert. So as I might have mentioned before, I own a little ASUS laptop model x205ta. I adore this little thing but if there is one thing that has bugged me to no end is the lack of space on the device. So I’ve been playing around with figuring out how to repurpose the 10g gigs which is wasted on the recovery image. I learned a few new tricks and how the command “clean” removes drives from the windows native partition manager. The only thing they I did wrong was also clean my usb recovery stick plugged into the side of it as well.


I am sure smert.






Smert enough to have created another recovery stick just in case I did something stupid 😉

The laptop is currently at 54% reimaging.


August 9 2016

Hello again. It’s been awhile

This past weekend we had visiting family and threw a kids birthday party in our backyard. I also took a bunch of 8-9yo girls to a waterpark. Been busy.

Sup-Her progress update. I’m about half way through with my 1st cleanup pass of my second draft. 

The second pass will be to listen to the entire thing and hear what catches my ear.

Then I’m going to merge the entire monster together (yes I wrote it in separate individual chapters) and do one more spell check/name fix on the thing.

Once that is done it should be ready for OPE (other peeps eyes) beyond those that read the first few chapters.

Uh.. what else… over the weekend I went out to catch the latest Bourne movie. It was a 10pm showing. Bad idea. I was tired and fell asleep towards the end. = no review here 🙁

August 3 2016

My Fear of Fraudulence

Okay I am a weird squirrelperson, I get it.

I also get that there is no such thing as normal.

In reading other author posts I keep hearing about writers block and imposter syndrome and have for the most part avoided these kind of things… until now?

I have just finished my second draft of my story “Sup-Her.” The first draft was just (f)ugly chaos and doesn’t deserve to see the light of day until it liberally applies a good deal more lotion to itself. I have spent the last few months working on the second pass/draft and just finished a couple of days ago. I have been sharing out my first few chapters with others hoping to get some insight as to what they thought and if it held any kind of worthiness to it. The feedback I got was mixed. Some liked (which I immediately suspected as merely trying to placate me) and others not so much (which is what I dreaded hearing).

Let me also take a step back and say that some weeks ago I sent a four page synopsis to several people who had read the first few chapters and felt a bit lost as to what the story was about and where it was going. NEVER A GOOD SIGN. Three people have read this short 4 page bible and got back to me saying “it sucks.” Granted two of these people had also said they really liked the first few chapters and were interested in seeing where it was going which is why I wrote the four page synopsis in the first place. The third hasn’t said much one way or the other.

I need something.

I need to know am I spinning my wheels in the mud with my writing or do they see actual traction in my work. Know what I mean? I’m not a smert man but I do like to pretend I’m one in my own little nutty head (squirrel joke).

I need somebody of authority to kick me in the ass and give me, using the voice of Charlton Heston, that what I’m doing is worth something or is a complete waste of my time.

The truth of it is I already know my answer. I am going to keep doing what I’m doing because I enjoy writing. I just need to know if I’m spinning publically. I can handle sucking. I can handle rejections (I’m still going to try, that’s a given). I just want to know where I sit on the ladder of hope? Again, I’m still going to keep climbing. I just want to know if I’m at the bottom of the ladder, or just below halfway, or even somewhere above average. Again, I know I’m not great so any smoke blown my way isn’t going to seep up my ass.

I need to know the best gear to use to get me out of my mental mud because I’m going to keep trying.

Know what I mean?