The wife has the kids and is spending the night with her family. I have obviously been granted some time to fiddle and fart about. I love my family but I also love this feeling 😛
Yes, I am a selfish man.
So the interview yesterday went fairly well. I knew some of the people in the department I was interviewing at and used some of their own phrases in my responses. Overall I felt I gave a strong interview, unlike the one I bombed last week, and have a real shot at landing this. Of course, they said they won’t come to a decision until a week or so into the new year but we will see.
I am right now sitting inside a Panera Bread store and it’s 6:41 pm. Now is as good as a time as any to start writing again. I just need to plug in my headphones and feel the muse come to life again. To me, being left alone with my music and my thoughts is something akin to experiencing an auditory orgasm.
Yeah, I went there (snicker).
The music is playing in my ears now. I close my eyes and can feel it flowing through me. I can’t do this at home and that is kind of sad. The safest place I have, with my family around me, with their needs, is a place where I can’t let myself go.
Love is partially based upon sacrifice.
Thank you wifey for taking the kids and allowing me to have some free time.
I love you.
Now…. I need to stop rambling as I feel the pull of Terry Roche upon me. You see tonight he is going to be a very (in)famous man. It’s funny how a scene from a very stupid movie shapes who you are and how you think of things. Here’s looking at you ‘da twee hombre’s’.