December 22 2016

The man in the high tower – season 2

I just finished watching season 2 on my lunch today. Good stuff. 

Right now I’m on the train doing the finger on phone typing so I went get that deep about it.

Season 1 was kinda slow but thought provoking. Season 2 took what you thought you knew and tipped it all upside down. (Gooder stuff)

Season 1 gets a B- score

Season 2 gets a A- score

I’m also going to suggest you don’t power through the episodes so you can give your mind time to digest it all, especially season 2.

This weekend is a four day weekend for me 🙂

That is all.

December 20 2016

1,500 words ~ 1:30 hours

It’s Tuesday and I’m sitting in a Starbucks plugging away again.

This is the end “part” of what I was working on…




Hellon said, “In my culture, one hides themselves when they are trying to be deceitful or wish harm upon you. By exposing oneself you allow others to read you as you as.”

Mike said, “Our skin doesn’t change colors and tones like yours does.”

Hellon’s eyes went wide, “I feel like I should not have overlooked that. What is the word I feel?”

Kennedy chuckled, “Don’t worry Hellon, there is a lot to figure out.

Hellon got his pants fastened again and extended out his hand towards Kennedy, “You are right.”

She took his hand into her own and felt the coldness of it again. She gave it a soft shake and then Hellon lifted his hand up and exposed his palm towards her. With his fingers pointing skyward he split them apart in the middle and said, “Shaz-bot.”

Kennedy looked over at Mike as if not believing what she had just seen. “Did he just give me a Vulcan-Mindy greeting?”.





December 19 2016

Star Wars – Ranking the Movies

Okay so I saw the movie just over 48 hours ago and ever since then I’ve been pondering what I think about it. I think, without spoiling anything, that it wasn’t perfect…but it sure as hell beat all of that prequel crap.


So here is my listing of each movie in order of which one is my favorite.

  1. Empire Strikes Back (to say otherwise is just a sin)
  2. A New Hope (Yes it can feel dated but it was the one that changed everything so it gets a huge nostalgic bump)
  3. Rogue One
  4. Return of the Jedi (The Ewoks detracted some points)
  5. The Force Awakens (Hey, lets make ‘A New Hope‘ all over again)
  6. Revenge of the Sith (PG13 kinda saves it)
  7. The Clone Wars
  8. The Phantom Menace (Jar Jar…)







December 18 2016

This is how much I hate my boss

I went out and bought myself a new keyboard for use at work.

It is a model k780 from Logitech. It is really silent and I hope to be able to type away on it without my boss getting all nosey as to what I’m typing away on. The keyboards we have now are too clattery if you know what I mean. She is just such a nosey bitch. Did I mention part of my job requires me to travel through the building to collect and disperse IT equipment? Well, every time I leave she comes by my desk and pushes in my chair as some sort of time check to see when I get back as it makes a squeaky noise, that she can hear, when moved.

Last week I filled out three new job applications on Monday but didn’t do any more for the rest of the week. Since it’s been a week I hope to do about that many again tomorrow.

The next thing I’m going to buy is this toy… I am putting together a raspberry pi system and am going to hide it on my desk so I can do some now quiet typing and flash my screen back when I hear her coming. Now I know what you are thinking, “Do work stuff while you are at work.” Well, I do. I just also do personal stuff as well. My duties have never suffered and if I get stuff done quickly and accurately then why shouldn’t I get to utilize my bonus time in a fun type fashion? It’s called making me enjoy being there.

I mean I work for the State of California. Tell me they are accurate and timely and I will call you a liar. Again I do my stuff on time and often have to wait for the other parts of the system to catch up to me. Why shouldn’t I try to keep myself happy and motivated as possible when there? Life is not about doing what you can for others all the time. Sometimes you need to be in your own happy mental place as well in order to be the there for others. By keeping me stressed out over stupid stuff all you are doing is diminishing my overall productivity. Trust me she is full of stupid stuff. Look back through my archives to around Oct 30th where she tried to charge me vacation time to donate blood at work.

As it is right now I have to log every time I get up from my desk into my work calendar. Yes, that includes pee breaks.

Sooo…. yes I’m going to keep myself happy any way I can. 🙂




December 18 2016

943 words in 1:14

And that’s what I did for this evening.

I got through my Terry radio thing and just had to make it a Tuesday as well. What? It kind of went with the flow of the story. I hadn’t actually made any kind of timestamp landmark up until this point.

I guess I can say part 1 is now done as the next stage of my story picks up six months in the future.

In my defense of the 1:14 and only putting out 943, I’m going to admit that I did a good deal of deleting and rewriting some key lines as I tried to mix in last night’s first half into tonight’s second half. It was a phone call between my protagonist and her mother which I needed to sync up.

December 17 2016

40 minutes later ~ 516 words.

Not great.

I also deleted a number of sentences so that isn’t being included in my pure output.

I normally don’t try to keep tab of words per hour but tonight I felt like doing it.

It’s roughly on par with my 900 words/hour speed.

GTG write again.


Update #2: I’m now at 1118 words at the 1:15 mark.
Time to quite for now as I really need to take a piss.

December 17 2016

I have some alone time (Yippie)

The wife has the kids and is spending the night with her family. I have obviously been granted some time to fiddle and fart about. I love my family but I also love this feeling 😛

Yes, I am a selfish man.

So the interview yesterday went fairly well. I knew some of the people in the department I was interviewing at and used some of their own phrases in my responses. Overall I felt I gave a strong interview, unlike the one I bombed last week, and have a real shot at landing this. Of course, they said they won’t come to a decision until a week or so into the new year but we will see.

I am right now sitting inside a Panera Bread store and it’s 6:41 pm. Now is as good as a time as any to start writing again. I just need to plug in my headphones and feel the muse come to life again. To me, being left alone with my music and my thoughts is something akin to experiencing an auditory orgasm.
Yeah, I went there (snicker).

The music is playing in my ears now. I close my eyes and can feel it flowing through me. I can’t do this at home and that is kind of sad. The safest place I have, with my family around me, with their needs, is a place where I can’t let myself go.

Love is partially based upon sacrifice.

Thank you wifey for taking the kids and allowing me to have some free time.

I love you.

Now…. I need to stop rambling as I feel the pull of Terry Roche upon me. You see tonight he is going to be a very (in)famous man. It’s funny how a scene from a very stupid movie shapes who you are and how you think of things. Here’s looking at you ‘da twee hombre’s’.

December 17 2016

Rogue One

Last night at 10 pm I managed to head out with my 10yo daughter and watch Rogue One.

To put it simply, it was better than The Force Awakens (which I gave a “B” grade).

My daughter, bless her, had only gone with me because she knew I want my kids to enjoy Star Wars as much as I do. She fought to stay awake through much of it.

I don’t want to spoil anything but they tied the end of the movie really well into episode IV.