I’m sick (especially in the head)
One of my kids got me sick. I’m not going to name names but seeing how they both are disgusting pigs that never wash their hands without me reminding them, it could be either of them.
Now I’m sick 🙁
Excerpt from my latest WIP in all it’s 1st draft goodness.
Kennedy closed her eyes and rested her head into the chairs back. The chair had been her grandfather’s and was well worn. She wasn’t certain if it was just her imagination or not as she never told anyone, not even her mother when she was alive, but she could still get hints of her grandfather’s old spice cologne.
Her mind starting drifting through memories of him as well as her family. She felt a soured smile take form on her face. Most of those people were now long gone.
They lived on in part through her memories.
She felt a twinge of guilt as she once again reminded herself that she hadn’t had kids of her own. She opened her eyes and focused on the window and said aloud, “I am not defined by my ability to procreate.”
In truth, she partially believed herself. She wasn’t against having kids of her own but her life just followed a different path. It wasn’t any more right or wrong so much as it was hers. She couldn’t deny a part of her still wanted kids but she also wanted to have kids with a father figure present. She knew that with her job, and with the scope of what she was trying to accomplish, that having kids would only make every end of her suffer as a result.
She felt a momentary welling of anger at men-kind for their ability to procreate with so little investment. In truth, she knew better but as is often the case a good number of men play right into that stereotype. Her father and grandfather were prime examples of exemplary men. She would never settle for ‘settling’ herself. Any man she hoped to find would be of the same caliber. She also knew there was no such thing as a perfect man and knew she would have to be open to some degree of adjustment of to some idiosyncrasies just so long as quirky didn’t turn into unbearable.
Her mind went to Mike and she felt her a flash of warm blood surge through her body. She knew she felt an attraction to him but knew better than to go down that path as his issue was more queeriky than she could overlook as she had her own needs.
Her hand went down into her lap. She felt a slight irking of excitement as her hand started rubbing the outside of her jeans. She closed her eyes and let her hand caress herself.
The sky lit up as a bolt of lightning struck something nearby. She opened her eyes and wished she was back in her apartment condo as it had a spectacular view of the cityscape skyline.
Half a second later a boom rattled through the air with such intensity that she shook.
Her eyes scanned the night sky once more as she was slow to get out of her grandfather’s chair. She felt a desire to get undressed and pay her friend Bob a visit.
Lighting flashed again and this one was followed by an even louder boom.
When I first starting with the above section I had no idea it was going to end with her going to her bedroom. I write organically and as such, it can sometimes end orgasmically.
Such is life.
Either you learn to smell the roses for what they are or you drown in a sea of poop of your own creation.
And on that note, I’ve gotten some more ideas floating around my mind on the villain I’m working on.
(Yes that is another poop reference)