March 21 2017

I’m sick (especially in the head)

One of my kids got me sick. I’m not going to name names but seeing how they both are disgusting pigs that never wash their hands without me reminding them, it could be either of them.

Now I’m sick 🙁

Excerpt from my latest WIP in all it’s 1st draft goodness.



Kennedy closed her eyes and rested her head into the chairs back. The chair had been her grandfather’s and was well worn. She wasn’t certain if it was just her imagination or not as she never told anyone, not even her mother when she was alive, but she could still get hints of her grandfather’s old spice cologne.

Her mind starting drifting through memories of him as well as her family. She felt a soured smile take form on her face. Most of those people were now long gone.

They lived on in part through her memories.

She felt a twinge of guilt as she once again reminded herself that she hadn’t had kids of her own. She opened her eyes and focused on the window and said aloud, “I am not defined by my ability to procreate.”

In truth, she partially believed herself. She wasn’t against having kids of her own but her life just followed a different path. It wasn’t any more right or wrong so much as it was hers. She couldn’t deny a part of her still wanted kids but she also wanted to have kids with a father figure present. She knew that with her job, and with the scope of what she was trying to accomplish, that having kids would only make every end of her suffer as a result.

She felt a momentary welling of anger at men-kind for their ability to procreate with so little investment. In truth, she knew better but as is often the case a good number of men play right into that stereotype. Her father and grandfather were prime examples of exemplary men. She would never settle for ‘settling’ herself. Any man she hoped to find would be of the same caliber. She also knew there was no such thing as a perfect man and knew she would have to be open to some degree of adjustment of to some idiosyncrasies just so long as quirky didn’t turn into unbearable.

Her mind went to Mike and she felt her a flash of warm blood surge through her body. She knew she felt an attraction to him but knew better than to go down that path as his issue was more queeriky than she could overlook as she had her own needs.

Her hand went down into her lap. She felt a slight irking of excitement as her hand started rubbing the outside of her jeans. She closed her eyes and let her hand caress herself.

The sky lit up as a bolt of lightning struck something nearby. She opened her eyes and wished she was back in her apartment condo as it had a spectacular view of the cityscape skyline.

Half a second later a boom rattled through the air with such intensity that she shook.

Her eyes scanned the night sky once more as she was slow to get out of her grandfather’s chair. She felt a desire to get undressed and pay her friend Bob a visit.

Lighting flashed again and this one was followed by an even louder boom.



When I first starting with the above section I had no idea it was going to end with her going to her bedroom. I write organically and as such, it can sometimes end orgasmically.

Such is life.

Either you learn to smell the roses for what they are or you drown in a sea of poop of your own creation.



And on that note, I’ve gotten some more ideas floating around my mind on the villain I’m working on.

(Yes that is another poop reference)



March 16 2017

The Schrute Schuttie ~ The anatomy of a villain

What makes a good villain? Being truly evil? I think that is cliche. I believe that in order to have a really good villain the character has to believe they are the hero.

I know this topic has come up before on a hundred different blogs. Still, I want to understand the mindset in hopes of understanding one better. I’m pondering creating a villain for an upcoming piece of work that looks the part of a babysitter, somebody you would trust your kids with. Still deep down they are a dark and bothered soul who still thinks they are doing what’s right.

More to come.




I’m on my lunch now. I just got a call for another interview. Yippie 🙂

I wish it had come months ago but I will take what I can get. With everything that is going on at work, especially with the lawyer I got now [ 😉 ], I’m not really looking forward to leaving, at least until after everything hits the fan.




March 11 2017

This is what I have to deal with at work…

Hello Dwight,

As per your request, here is an accounting of what transpired throughout my day.

Let me point out that while I am willing to comply with your request I find it disheartening that you feel the need to require such validation of your employees.

All times listed below are approximations to within a 5-minute span, as I don’t recall the exact minute of each event.

7:50 – I arrive at work late because the train had experienced technical difficulties.

7:55 – I go in search of Channing Tatum and secure the hard drive lock box for my day’s activities.

8:00-9:50 – I secure the vehicle keys and work in the cage loading the desktop units into the van. In addition, I prepare my excel sheets and email them up to Sandy and Eddie hoping one of them can print them off for me.

10:10 – Having secured the flip phone from you I headed down to the loading dock and proceed to head out to BARD.

10:30 – I arrive at BARD and speak with both Milan and Natt who assist in transferring the survey items and helping unload the desktops.

11:30 – Having finished transferring the assets back and forth, but not locking the lockbox, as I know I still need to collect the hard drives from AUDIO, Milan walks with me to meet D&D.

11:45 – I take the lockbox, by myself, out to van and secure it in its back. I then get my laptop bag and travel over to BARD. I then set myself up in Bill Walsh’s cube, which is directly across from Tom Jerry.

11:55 – 12:55* – I work on updating AM/PM for the assets that had been transferred both to and from ICU.

*(12:25-12:35) – I visit the restroom. You asked me to list everything.

12:35-12:45 – I take the additional keyboards I had collected for ICU stock from BARD out to the van and secure them. Natt, Piper, and Milan all saw me.

12:59 – I start to clean up and shutdown my laptop but before doing so I send an email informing you that I needed to extend my time.

1:10 – I arrive at the gas station to fill the van’s tank

1:20 – I go on a shortened lunch knowing I need to get back to ICU.

1:50 – I pay for my lunch (A Hawaiian burger, fries, and a coke) and head back to ICU.

2:05 – I arrive back at ICU and park the van in the garage.

2:10-2:40 – I unload the van and secure the items in the cage. I then drop off the keys directly on Marlin’s desk with the gas receipt visible.

2:45 – I say hello* to Sharon Frank.

2:50 – After getting back to the cage I secure the hard drive lock box and head into the ICU main floor lobby and pass Marlin along the way. I inform him of the receipt upon his desk.

2:55 – I arrive at ENESU and pass Bob as I enter. Cher assists me up in the server room and signs off that she has received the hard drives.

3:00 – I arrive back in our unit and upon reaching my desk and placing my bags in my cubicle you call me into a 1on1 meeting wanting to know exactly what happened over the course of my day.

…And that brings us up to now.


March 8 2017


So I managed to steal some time and snuck off to watch the Logan movie. It was a really good movie in comparison to the prior two Wolverine attempts.

I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t seen it so I will keep my opinions short and sweet.

Overall Grade: B

Now I can’t stop there as I also have to comment on the Deadpool short before the movie. I loved it. It was full of quip and oh so dark. It so matches my own sarcastic writing style. It’s the kind of stuff that sticks its tongue out at authority and does its own thing. It is the act of challenging stereotypes and expectations at its finest. Now I know I’m sounding like I’m ranting but it is my own blog so blow me 😛

I wrote my own Deadpool-esque style story with the working title ‘The Puppy Kicker’. Yes, I have a dark sense of humor and if you can see it bleeds through in my writing. This is in stark contrast to the real world me where I go to great lengths not to lie and try to put forth my best face.

It’s what I do 😉


Deadpool Grade: A-


That is all 🙂


February 21 2017

1st Writing in a week

Okay so I haven’t been all that productive.

I know, I get it.



Well, tonight over the span of 1.5 hours, I got in 1300 words. So that’s about 800 words an hour if my rough math is right.

Earlier today I got in another two applications so there is that. I have also been kind of busy at work so there is that too.

Tonight’s writing covered the end of Kennedy and her friends and family sitting around and watching the first launch of her engine design. I got in some good humor along the way and started my next chapter which picks up a year after that with her being at the White House again.

With me being something of a pantser I now need to figure out how I am going to exploit my colonel sanders character along with Carla and her connections. I think I am going to sleep on this and see what brews overnight.


That is all 🙂





February 18 2017

It’s been over a week

It’s been over a week since I last posted anything so I feel as if I need to do something. I am just going to ramble (what’s new) on about what’s been going on in my life.

Last weekend the wife and I went to R.C.Willy and used our tax refund to buy ourselves a new couch. It was mostly the wife’s idea but I didn’t put up any resistance cause who knows when I might want to abscond with a future refund. I’m not saying that cause I have an agenda so much as I’m not trying to make waves.

On Sunday I went to a writers workshop and met a number of new people (fellow authors). The workshop was meant to help plot out novels and find any kind of plot holes you might have in their arcs. I’m not trying to sound like an ass here but with my own personal experience, of having written the words ‘The End’ in half a dozen (unpublished) books, I know how to plot my arcs out. The other person that was there had a better experience, which I’m thankful for. Overall I did enjoy the meeting as I got to meet some new people 🙂

On Tuesday night I got to meet with my Folsom writing group and I got around 700 words out in about an hour. That is kind of slow for me but since my heart hasn’t been into it as of late (thanks nazi boss who is trying to suck the life out of me) I will take what I can get.

Thursday I met some other people I know after work and so didn’t get home until close to 9pm. I owe my wife big time and will do my best to keep the kids out of her hair this weekend as she is still working on studying for her exam on Sunday.

There is more of course but that is all I’m going to say as my time is running out.


Tootles and Farts…



February 6 2017

The Devil Made Me Do It (The story of succumbing)

Children often say, when getting caught, that they weren’t the ones responsible for doing something. Some adults, at least those physically old enough to be considered adults, do the same.

Case in point, myself. With my boss being something of an unreal tyrant, I found myself succumbing to the temptations of my own little shoulder devil. You see I did something to my bosses vehicle. I don’t want to say what I did, for fear of self-incrimination, but I can say what I did, having been a vehicle mechanic in the Army, will eventually cause him some serious cash to fix once it finally happens. Now it’s not going to cause a crash or hurt anyone, I’m not a literal devil you know, that is aside from his wallet.

Can you imagine the look on his face when his car gets pulled into the mechanic’s shop and the tell him what happened? Life, and in this case my imagination, is reward enough as nobody would ever think to connect this to me.

That should teach him to park like that again.

January 30 2017

The crypt is quiet

Hello again,

Today I am writing to say that I managed to get four applications of employment out today. Last week I got out over 10 applications, so for a Monday, it’s a good start.

Almost all of my interest in writing has been sucked out by my Demogorgon of a boss.

She left to go home early today. YIPPIE!

My application count has jumped up to 7 so far today.