April 14 2017

Clean Slate? You can Kiss my Grits!

So last Friday my boss came to me asking for a clean slate between us.

Just so you know I refused.

Now don’t go thinking I’m a cold hearted bastard, that’s Dwight’s job. She is the one filled with a history of vindictiveness in going after people she thinks has wronged her. Reminds me of another fable… Mirror mirror on the wall, how well is Dwight going to handle her fall?

You see one does not get a clean slate after what she has pulled and continues to pull.

Ever read the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper? Here it is. Basically, it says you reap what you sow.

Having taken away my RDO, for bullshit reasons, and continuing to pull your stupid little games, you’re not going to coerce me into giving you a free Kumbaya pass that everything is okay. You made this mess and now, no matter how ‘DWIGHT’ you think you are, are going to have to deal with the consequences.






April 12 2017

My “Space Name” has entered into part III

My latest project, something I’ve given the temporary name of “Space Name” has reached a milestone in that I have finally reached part three. I couldn’t tell you the exact word count of everything but I can tell you that part II was around 25,000 words and that part I was larger than that.

I did get my climatic ending to part II that I was working towards. Though instead of it being humorful, as I had originally envisioned it, it’s now kind of sad.

More to come…

April 7 2017

Man I have really been plugging away these past few days

I’m almost up to the part where Terry gets to run rampant* through Fantasyland.


If you want a spoiler then mouse drag up above between the two astericks, otherwise wait for it to come out with the finished story.

Drag is… (1) In graphical user interfaces, drag refers to moving an icon or other image on a display screen. To drag an object across a display screen, you usually select the object with a mouse button (“grab” it) and then move the mouse while keeping the mouse button pressed down.


This past week I have really been feeling the mojo as of late. I’m really getting excited about my early Saturday writing meetup. 🙂

Of course there is always the time I’m able to steal away at work as well 😉

March 30 2017

Breakfast pizza and a movie

Hey all,

Guess what? My boss is out on vacation right now and as complete random luck would have it, all of us at work are chipping in on some breakfast pizza.

On a completely unrelated topic, I just bought Star Wars: Rogue One in digital. 😉

I think today might be a fun day 🙂

March 28 2017

It’s been a week

So what’s new?

Well, I’m going to have surgery come June to get my broken nose fixed. It’s only been 23-ish years later but it’s better late than never, right?

This last Saturday I met with Pat, one of my writing buddies, and over the span of three hours I only got in an additional 300 words. Can you ‘wrong kind of productivity’? 😛 We chatted about stuff for part of the time but I was also plinking away for most of it. I did mull/peck out a plot scene that I wasn’t sure how to get covered. Well now I have and now I just need to further expand upon it. The good thing is tonight is another writing meetup after I pick the kids up from after school care.


I really should be getting back to my story.

