October 24 2023

15k+ epilogue? (A New Day)

That’s a bit much, don’t you think?

In my first version, it came out at a whopping 12k. Now, with reworking it as parts didn’t feel right, I’m halfway through and it’s ballooned up to 15k. Geez-Louise.


Why is it so big?

It’s because I don’t exercise enough and my diet isn’t as good as it… oh, the focus is my writing? In truth, I’m trying to wrap up the character(s) evolution(s) from the various arcs that wound through the story. That is all save one.

There is a reason I don’t bring the character up. Let’s leave it with saying it has to do with a possible sequel should that ever happen.

Oh great, more hours not exercising and eating bad…



Today, with it being my day off, I’m going to head up the hill to help my father-in-law take down a tree on his property that fell across another tree and is suspended up in the air.

Fun fun fun.


If I get some free time later today after playing Tarzan, I’m going to have to work on getting chunk 35 cleaned up for submitting to my peer group. That means I won’t be getting back to cleaning up my epilogue for the next few days.

35th chunk x 5,000 words = 105k in words roughly. They are about 2/3 of the way through the overall story.

Okay, time to call it quits and head up the hill.


Tootles all
