October 23
Doug… Chapter 20(18a) done
It turns out that my original chapter 18, which came in at 1300 words, had some real room for growth. It currently sits at 1700 words and that is just the first part “a” of it. I already have about 1,000 words sprawled out into chapter 21(18″b”) but paused in writing it to finish cleaning up the first part.
This is all climax stuff so the meatier the better.
Now to give an update on my overall numbers. Original draft 1 had 21 chapters overall and came in at 19,500 words. Chapter two now looks to end around chapter 24 and as of chapter 20 has 30,100 words.
Well, it’s almost time to get off the train again and start my domesticated family life again.
Tootles for now…