September 26 2015

Tony E. Milf – “The Bug”

[2015.09.25] “The Bug

Here I am again sitting on the train heading home. I cheat when it comes to getting on the train. I leave my work a couple of minutes before I should and speed walk past where everybody else I know gets onto the train and goes to the pickup immediately preceding the one the rest of my peers gets on at. I prefer sitting down and no it’s not because I’m lazy, but it’s because it is my primary writing time. Even now as I’m writing this it’s the morning after and I am heading back into work. So anyway there I was, getting myself comfortable and pulling out my little ASUS x205ta, I love this thing, and nestling it onto my lap when I happen to spot a little critter scurrying across the top of the hand rail on the seat row before me. The bug, which I can’t name of the top of my head, has a pentagon shaped back with one of the points extending out directly behind him. It kind of reminds me a knight’s shield strapped onto its back.

So there I am watching this guy go back and forth across the handle bar half a dozen times. The guy wasn’t entirely small either. I could say the size of his body alone was the size of a dime. Add some legs in and you get a decently sized creepy crawler.

With it being the end of the day, the train got full quickly. People were entering and exiting regularly and with my seat being near the door it was even more busy with people grabbing out for handles to help support themselves as they tried to maneuver with the train constantly moving between stops. I can’t tell you the number of times I almost say the little guy get squished unintentionally. I tried to shield the guy as best as I could by waiving to get people’s attention and then pointing at the bug. Most people, as would be expected, just ignored me thinking I was some sort of pest. Can’t say I blame them. I have seen the types of low life degenerates that ride this train day in and day out. Some of them are even people that don’t resemble me in the mirror.

At some point I lost track of the little guy, I was writing after all. I don’t know what happened to the little bugger, but I hope he got away to poop in somebodies food another day.

Posted 2015/09/26 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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