July 29 2015

Dreams…WTF did I eat last night?

This last Saturday night I had a really disturbing dream in which involved several family members, all adults, going on Kentucky Kousins with each other.

Last night, after eating some Panda Express, I had another bizarro dream only this one involved just me and some nebulous high school friends. It started out all Peggy Sue got married where I was visiting some friends who still live in section 8 neighborhoods twenty years after graduating high school. The friends are just vague representations and not anybody specific as throughout the dream any one of them showed behaviors from a number of people I have met over my life, not all of them from High School either.

Anyway the landlady knocks on the door and barges in and demands that I start paying rent. I tell her to piss off as I am just visiting and its only been a few hours. Well as dreams go she calls the cops because I haven’t paid my rent. The cops burst in looking for Other Name which is not me. I proceed to whip out my drivers licence and show them that I am My Name and not Other Name. Things get weird as they don’t believe me and immediately try to handcuff me. I escape to the bathroom and leap out the window just as I discover some secret passage. Things turn all James Bond with me fleeing in and out and dodging and leaping and crashing go carts chase scene type stuff. Well I manage to find myself on a cliff and the cops are closing in around me. It is then that things start to get weird.

I leap off knowing I can now somehow fly. Flying dreams are actually quite common with me and so this isn’t that strange. Anyway as I’m floating up and away the cops/bond-villains send their flying drones after me. I can’t seem to escape them so I punch a hole into reality and escape through another dimension. They aren’t able to follow me and I appear in the Dungeons and Dragons realm of Limbo.

Maybe now would be a good time to describe Limbo as a giant shopping mall with hardly any stores and very few patrons. One of the Kiosks, an AT&T one, senses me and does this whole transformer mechanized chase of me down and through the mall trying to get me to pay my past rent dues.

It is at this point that I realize I am the god Loki of Asgard who has been hiding in mere mortal flesh because all the gods of old have been in hiding. Apparently, thanks to the return of my memory, another power has been hunting down my brother gods and has been using various financial entities to track us down and to kill us.

Now knowing my full powers and no longer feeling the need to hide I assume a gaseous form and seep through the joints of the AT&T bot and try to infiltrate its programming in hopes of learning more.

This is the point where my alarm goes off.

So I stumble my way into the shower and sit up its floor trying to retain and recall as much as I can of my dream. And yes I sit on the floor of my shower.

Now I just need to figure out exactly what it was I ate so I might be able to do this again 😛


Posted 2015/07/29 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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