May 13 2015

So I watched the AOS season finale last night.

Not sure what else to say with how they basically F’d with most of the characters.

Being a 44(?) year (double checking…let’s see 2015-1971=44) old man I was around for the Buffy the Vampire days but honestly didn’t think it was a show I wanted to watch. I was also “alive” during both the Firefly and Dollhouse debacles. Either way I didn’t catch onto those either and so remained basically a Joss virgin.

I did watch the Avengers and got to see the whole Phil Coulson nap time trick but didn’t think it was that big of a deal as I don’t tend to get that attached to characters.

What I wasn’t expecting was the whole 180 that has happened to most of the characters on the show. Now they all didn’t go from white to black, okay Ward did, but you know what I mean. They all seem to have changed and endured in rather interesting ways.

It is giving some things to think about in my own works…bravo.


Posted 2015/05/13 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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