34 years ago today
Feb 27th is one of those days that will forever be stuck in my noodly mess of a brian. (It’s spelled as a name, right?)
Back to today’s topic.
I was a junior in high school and was attending a high school drama production after-party at the Teichert’s residence. It was a night… that had me making out on the couch with a young lady that would end up becoming my girlfriend over the next, just shy of, two years.
It is also the anniversary of my purchasing my most recent vehicle, which was in 2018.
Am I weird?
I can remember where I was on Jan 28th, 1986. I was sitting right next to Cindy S. Whom I also had a huge crush on though I would never act upon it. She knew, but she kept it to herself. I wasn’t her type. She was into “Bad-Boys” and I was an insecure skinny freshman.
Dates are weird. To some, they hold power. To others, they are just another day on the way to retiring or giving up on life.
My mind is not perfect, I’m forgetting more and more as time passes.
Jan 27th is one of those dates that defined who I am.
*yes I said Jan instead of Feb, who is paying attention here? Hopefully you, my brian isn’t what it used to be.
Tootles all