April 14
Feb 24th was my last post… Been busy like a bug
No, I haven’t had the beer virus. Just being funny cause its all the news lately. In early March my bro and his family came out to Cally for a visit. I took some time off but between his arrival, and premature departure, everything has just been weird. I think the last thing I wrote was back in early March sometime. I’m going to pause to go and look at my files now… It was actually March 5th. I was in the neighborhood.
Man, this homeschooling* your kids thing sucks.
*don’t know if it’s really homeschooling (they are home and it is schooling) but until I hear a better name, it’s going to stick.
Why am I so tired all the time? Oh yeah, no free time. It’s either work, teaching, dishes, etc…
When do I get a day off for myself?