October 14 2017

Shank you very much

Howdy Peoples,

What to say…

What to say…

It’s Saturday evening and I’m attending a class in Scrivener. ‘What’s Scrivener’ you say? It’s a software program that is supposed to make your writing experience all that much more personal and rewarding. It allows you to track and plot out characters and timelines. I bought the software two years ago but never got the hang of it, hence I’m attending this tonight. You know what? Its halfway over and so far I’m not finding this stuff to be all that impressive. Everything the instructor has mentioned, I’m already doing in Microsoft Word and Excel.

Why reinvent the wheel(er-er) when you don’t need to. I mean if it already working, why muck it up?

(Evil thinking)

Now I just need to come up with a way to finagle some additional training in Excel.


* * *

And now for an update on StarBabe (yes it’s still my temp name…)

I’m still plugging away and just crossed the 40,000-word line a couple of days ago.

I only recently got into the main character ‘Babe’ POV. Yeah, you read that right. The first 40k where all focused on auxiliary characters. What does that say?

[Hey, that’s not a nice thing to think about me. It may be technically correct but it still isn’t nice]

The story has taken a real ‘shanking’ up from where it had started from.

That is all…


Posted 2017/10/14 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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