The Schrute Schuttie ~ The anatomy of a villain
What makes a good villain? Being truly evil? I think that is cliche. I believe that in order to have a really good villain the character has to believe they are the hero.
I know this topic has come up before on a hundred different blogs. Still, I want to understand the mindset in hopes of understanding one better. I’m pondering creating a villain for an upcoming piece of work that looks the part of a babysitter, somebody you would trust your kids with. Still deep down they are a dark and bothered soul who still thinks they are doing what’s right.
More to come.
I’m on my lunch now. I just got a call for another interview. Yippie 🙂
I wish it had come months ago but I will take what I can get. With everything that is going on at work, especially with the lawyer I got now [ 😉 ], I’m not really looking forward to leaving, at least until after everything hits the fan.