It’s been over a week
It’s been over a week since I last posted anything so I feel as if I need to do something. I am just going to ramble (what’s new) on about what’s been going on in my life.
Last weekend the wife and I went to R.C.Willy and used our tax refund to buy ourselves a new couch. It was mostly the wife’s idea but I didn’t put up any resistance cause who knows when I might want to abscond with a future refund. I’m not saying that cause I have an agenda so much as I’m not trying to make waves.
On Sunday I went to a writers workshop and met a number of new people (fellow authors). The workshop was meant to help plot out novels and find any kind of plot holes you might have in their arcs. I’m not trying to sound like an ass here but with my own personal experience, of having written the words ‘The End’ in half a dozen (unpublished) books, I know how to plot my arcs out. The other person that was there had a better experience, which I’m thankful for. Overall I did enjoy the meeting as I got to meet some new people 🙂
On Tuesday night I got to meet with my Folsom writing group and I got around 700 words out in about an hour. That is kind of slow for me but since my heart hasn’t been into it as of late (thanks nazi boss who is trying to suck the life out of me) I will take what I can get.
Thursday I met some other people I know after work and so didn’t get home until close to 9pm. I owe my wife big time and will do my best to keep the kids out of her hair this weekend as she is still working on studying for her exam on Sunday.
There is more of course but that is all I’m going to say as my time is running out.
Tootles and Farts…