Self Destruction or Brutal Honesty?
A short while ago I left a job interview I had with the California Department of Public Health.
I knew going into this thing I wasn’t a strong candidate but what I did at the end pretty much sealed the deal that I wasn’t going to get hired.
Wait… what?
Yep, my big mouth got the better of me.
At the start of the interview, they presented me a listing of seven questions which they said I could go over by myself for a few minutes.
Well… of those seven I knew four well enough. Two were kinda weak and the last one, it was Hiroshima all over again.
They came back in and together we all went over their questions. I did my best to answer as best as I could which, required some fudging on my part. Hey, who doesn’t fudge a little right? Isn’t that the name of the game when it comes to self-promotion?
We get through all seven questions and they ask is there anything else you would like to discuss or cover?
[This is the part I’m leading up to if you haven’t figured that out already]
I say, “I am not your best candidate for the job. I’m not saying I don’t want the job but rather I don’t have what you are looking for right out of the gates. I’m not saying I can’t learn or that I can’t do it so much as I’m letting you know that I know I’m not what you are looking for.”
Oh, the looks on their faces.
They thanked me for my honesty and did the expected, “Well you never know” BS.
The sad part is I really do hate where I’m at but at the same time, I don’t want to be put into a place where there is some false expectation that would only make a different situation worse. Know what I mean?
Yeah, I’m the kind of guy that has two cents or morality and isn’t afraid to play in traffic.
Now, who wants to pull my finger?
(Please note I have never actually bombed Hiroshima nor do I advocate the actual act of bombing anywhere. It was a weak attempt at humor)