June 14 2016

1st draft they lived ~ 2nd draft they died

I just finished the last end part of my day 12+ and I just killed off a character that had been alive in the previous draft. Since this is a second draft I know basically what lays ahead and have an idea of what needs to be modified. Its not that big of a deal other than for me to say “Goodbye my darling.”

Now I still have some further day 12 editing to do but its kind of light in comparison to the rest of what I just went through.

I’m still not sure if my dead darling is indeed dead as I have a possible return but it’s definitely looking like this person is gone*.

*(drizzles… drip… plop…ooze…)

Now I just need to get my head together and finish the little stuff I added in as I was going through the day 12.

Posted 2016/06/14 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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