A Story Short [ASS]… of Bling
So I wrote this little piece as a result of seeing a picture. An online friend of mine posted a picture of herself online and that spurred this following story. What is to follow is a first draft (+spell checked) and *only draft* of this story. Enjoy my dementia….
Karen’s Dish(eveling)
EDIT: I am thinking of changing the name to ‘Wanda’ but am too lazy.
“So” you may ask, “how does one find themselves in a situation where they hold the power of the cosmos within their very grasp? And what’s with the tweaky looking eyebrow?” I answer, “When one smacks the ‘glove of bling’ off of the mad titan one expects a little disheveling.”
The man next to her answered, “Trust me everyone has room for improvement.”
Karen gave that a half nod in agreement but was also irritated at how his interjection had almost derailed her story. “So I awoke to find that my roommate had never come home the night before. Either that or she had left early for work which I didn’t think was all that likely given her personality. Anyway, I started to get ready for work and realized I ran out of some of my supplies and decided I would just go pick them up on the way in. You know what was really freaky? The streets looked kind of abandoned. I mean there were cars everywhere that looked as if they had just rolled into various bushes and into the sides of buildings. Nobody was really walking the streets either. It felt as if today was some holiday or something as nobody was out. Is today a holiday?”
The man sitting next to her turns away with a face of disinterest and looks down towards the end of the street. “Hopefully not for our driver.”
Not being disheartened she continues, “There I was, standing in line at the Floorgreen’s over on Stockton and 42nd street trying to buy myself some-” She pauses for the briefest of moments and then decides to just blurt it out, “cotton ponies, when all of a sudden a portal appears right next to me in line. I naturally take a step back as I wasn’t expecting any kind of mystical portal to open up like that. Everyone else in line backs up and starts freaking out but I just manage to catch a glimpse of a man on the other side of who is a dead ringer for Benedict Cumberbatch.” Even now she finds herself starting to blush, “I have no idea why I stepped through…”
The man on the bench turned towards her and answered, “It was your cooch doing the thinking for you.”
Karen didn’t like the bluntness of his answer and so said aloud, “I wish you would just sit there and shudup while I finish my story.”
The man’s eyes shimmered briefly as he did exactly that.
Karen cleared her throat as if testing to see if he was going to start talking again. He didn’t and Karen felt a smugness start to come over her. “That’s better.”
She adjusted her ass cheeks on the bench and started up again, “At first I wasn’t sure why he had opened the portal before me but I think it had to something to do with my great aunt. You see back in the sixties she was part of the Black Panther movement. She was really important. Instrumental in their movement. Kind of hero if you ask me.”
The man gave only the slightest hint of nod but otherwise remained focused entirely on her.
She raised up her right hand and made a fist with it and then brought it back down and gave a little laugh as she noted the mirroring of her two hands. “That had to have been it.”
“Anyway as soon as I go through I see I’m in a room with close to a hundred costumed superhero’s all standing about and squabbling about wanting to know what is going on. Let me tell you that room stunk. I nearly doubled over and lost my breakfast, not that I had eaten a whole lot seeing how I left early in order to go make my purchase. You see that’s the thing they don’t tell you about them superhero types. They stink. You get that amount of sweaty anxious people into a room like that it’s gonna smell of foot and ass funk. That big green guy has a serious flatulence problem. That’s probably how the bastard is able to jump so far the way he does.”
“So there I am. Bennidict starts talking over their shouts and everyone quickly shuts the hell up. He explains how he called all of us here because he needs us to go beat up some mad titan. I start looking around trying to watch everyone else’s faces, which seem rather upset let me tell you, and miss hearing exactly what it is Mr. Dreamy is saying.”
Karen pauses and looks over at the man sitting beside her. His focus is entirely still upon her. She allows herself a smile, “I’m glad you’re enjoying the story now.”
“Bennidict then starts waving his arms about and casting some big ol’ spell upon us. I instantly start to feel good inside, kinda like I could kick some serious ass kinda good. He then faces a wall behind him and works his hips in another magical way and soon the entire wall is now shimmering. Seconds later it turns into one giant portal like the one that had brought me there only much larger. I did say it took up the entire wall didn’t I?” Karen reaches up and scratches her chin with her gauntleted hand. “Yeah, I think I did, either way, you know now. So everyone charges through this portal like its some giant cattle stampede and I do my best to not get crushed and die. Let me tell you dying in a room that smells that bad is not the way to go. You don’t want your last moment of existence to be sniffing ass air.”
“As I’m charging ahead I can see that the portal opens up on some giant stone platform underneath a starry sky. It’s only after I cross through that I realize the entire damn thing is on top of some mountain or something for there are stars all around. It was beautiful and scary at the same time. Some part of me was thankful that it didn’t smell like ass. It did have a different smell however, it was kind of sweet. The best way I could describe it would be to call it…death.”
Karen took in a deep breath, “All the other hero’s bolted out and into action. They all seemed to attack one lone figure standing towards one side of the platform. He was purple and looking like a grape right in the middle of becoming a raisin. I watched as he was assaulted by energy beams and sonic waves and ripples of energy that seemed to come from all sides at once. The purple figure got jostled around but managed to keep himself together. He fought back as well and soon, heroes were starting to fall all around him. He put that one guy with laser eyes in a cube. He smashed another and the debris bounced across the platform as if the person had been made from a bunch of Legos. The purple titan then made another’s bones turn into jelly as he fell not far from me into a quivering pile of skin. Even in that state, he still stunk so I gave him a wide berth as I made my way over.
Then just as it had started it was nearly over, save for one. The captain alone stood before the purple titan. The two of them leaned in towards each other and started exchanging words of purpose and righteousness. The purple titan looked as if he was growing tired of it all and raised his hand as if to strike the captain when all of a sudden a streak of energy, much like a bolt of lightning, or a beam of light, shot right past the titan.
The titan quickly lowered the hand he was going to strike the captain with and glowered about how he had almost lost it all due to his ignorance.
That was when I yelled out to him. He turned and faced me with a look of shock on his face. He looked as if he hadn’t noticed me until just that moment.
You see that is the trouble with heroes. You all have these codes and standards and sometimes get too caught up in them. I just kicked out with all the strength I could muster and jammed my foot right up into his nuts. I mean he was an alien as far as I was concerned but his actions seemed stupid, you know kind of like the men I know of Earth. I figured he must have had a pair of raisins down there as well.
You should have seen the look in his eyes as he reached down to grab a hold of those bad-boys. While he was nursing them I gave him a good right-hand punch and sent him sprawling down onto the stone platform.
His precious glove of bling had slid off from his hand and I stepped over to pick it up. Oh, you should have seen the sparkles that happened as soon as I put that glove on. I mean it looks as if the stars themselves took shape in objection to me picking up that glove. I just held out my left gloved hand and gave a little shake of my wrist at the same time as I shook my hips. I said ‘Uh-uh’ and the form was waived away with barely half a thought. Other figures started forming all around me as well but all it took was a few more shakes and waives of ‘Oh no you didn’t’ and ‘Get that thing outta my face’ and they too were gone.
Suddenly the knowledge of everything started flooding through my mind. It was starting to give me a headache so I just willed it all slow down to the point of allowing me to understand it all.”
Karen then looked over at the man on the bench still looking at her. “That was an hour ago. What can I say, I’m a fast learner.” She then glanced down the street in the direction of where the bus should be coming from. “Dang, I wish that thing would get here already.”
She blinked and all of a sudden the bus was now opening its doors right there. She began nodding, “Now that’s more like it.” She got up off the bench and climbed on board, “I think as crappy as this day started out its not turned out that bad.”