February 8 2016

Gotta love Mondays

It’s Monday, I’m on the train. My head is still thick with mucus and I didn’t sleep very well. I woke up at around 1:30 for who-knows-what-reason and couldn’t get back to sleep until close to 3:00. Gotta love Mondays. I took a Mucinex shortly after waking up hoping it would help relieve the pressure in my head and allow me to fall back asleep. It’s hard to say if it helped any or not but my throat is still as raw as before. I don’t feel like writing right now. I just want to curl into a ball and close my eyes.

Last night after getting home, from my wife’s parents place and from visiting her mom at the intensive care unit at the hospital, she parked her car into the garage as I got out of my car and walked over to assist. I put my Chromebook on the top of her car and then opened the door and worked at unstrapping the kids. Naturally my kids were a bit slow in getting their asses in gear so after unstrapping them so I went back to my car and collected the various shit out of the backseats that they had left within mine. Earlier in the day, when it was still daylight, I had then out in the driveway with me and with a garbage can in hand had ordered them to clear out the backseat of all the crap back there. With them being only nine and five, of course I had to instruct them that left over plates and cups where not to be thrown into the trash. Anyway so in getting back to the evening and the prior cleaning earlier in the day I knew there wasn’t that much to take out of the car. Still I had their jackets and a new set of plates and cups to bring up into the house, so my arms were half filled. I knew I wasn’t done with the working on my sons side of my wife’s car but due to my load hadn’t remembered exactly what it was. I walk up towards her car again and she slams shut my son’s door and reaches over to the counter along the wall and grabs off two old sippy cups of milk which are in the process of coagulating. Then then turns to me and says “Here.” It doesn’t occur to her to notice my hands are already full. It doesn’t occur to me to not lose my train of thought about my Chromebook still being on the roof of her car when she hands me the disgusting cups hoping to pass the buck. Being the husband I want to be I take them. Chromebook, what Chromebook? We get into the house and I begin dropping off the coats onto the racks and the dishes into the sink along with putting away the other miscellaneous items.

A half hour later, after things are settled enough and I find my ass parking itself back onto the couch so I can catch what’s left of the second half of the Super Bowl, my wife says she is heading back out to do some event with her girlfriends. “Have fun.” I say in between shouting “be quiet” to the kids as I am doing my best to ignore them for what is the only game I’ve actually sat down to watch the entire season. I think that had I watched more they might be used to being neglected and so when there is a game of significance to me they be used to it. Looking back I can see how this is obviously bad parenting on my part. Ten minutes later I get a call from the wife. “Did you leave something on the roof of my car?” I gasp, “Oh shit my Chromebook.” She says, “Yeah I heard something rattling around on the top but it stopped once I got onto the freeway.” I slap my forehead thinking how difficult would it have been to pull over before getting onto the freeway? I’m such a silly man. I mean who reacts to something as they notice it? Isn’t it much easier to leave the dishes in the backseat of daddy’s car than to take them in? Isn’t it much easier to bring the sippy cups in when taking them out of the car instead of letting them stack up in a miniature yogurt making factory?

I am a silly man.

I guess I’m in the market for a new Chromebook 🙁

Truth be told I’m not that upset as the Chromebook in question was two years old and already had issues thanks to my cat. Nibbler, the cat, slammed her face against my cup of orange juice and tipped it over onto the Chromebook’s keyboard just as I was first unpacking the thing for the first time. I had to take the damn thing apart and douse it in alcohol infused Q-tips to clean it up. I got it mostly functional again except for the RETURN key which always seemed thick to depress.

Back to now.

I still don’t feel like writing. I haven’t come up with much in my PK story and with my head hurting due to my lingering cold, I just don’t the mental mojo to do any kind of editing. There is a kinda cute girl sitting over on the next row. She is by far too young for me but that don’t mean the distraction isn’t there. She can’t see my screen but still I feel mean in saying this, she isn’t naturally cute so much as the look she has put herself in.

It’s now 35 minutes past the hour which means I have about fifteen minutes left to dabble write. I think I am going to call it quits and pull up Amazon on my phones app.

– Tootles

Posted 2016/02/08 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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