Wake up @ 5:45 am on a Saturday
(Channeling Seinfeld) What’s the deal with that?
Well at least it wasn’t a total loss…
I was dreaming about a new story and was able to get it plotted out. Later today when I’m at my writing group I’m going to flesh it out more. At least I got the idea out.
Here is it in all its blurry-eyed, just-woke, having-a-cold, sitting-on-the-can-pooping glory.
Devin Gruber & Travis Richardson
Writer – straight & Editor – Gay
Best friends since kindergarten. They are chatting with each other over video call from different parts of the US at public wifi spots.
Devin lives in Seattle and Travis in Oklahoma.
Scene: Devin is in line at a La Bou getting something off the menu when his phone dings that he got a text message. He texts back “give me another 10 minutes and I’ll be ready”
He takes a seat and sets up his laptop in the back corner and starts pecking at his salad as he starts the video chat with Travis. They start talking about stuff and catching up.
Some point later a hot chick enters the La Bou and Devin’s attention waivers. Travis notices Devin’s lack of focus and says “Where’s the cat?”
“The hot number that is drawing your attention. Listen I know that look on your face. You just spotted a hot little number and now you are lost to me. I might as well end this call now.” He fake cries in mocking jest of being butthurt.
Devin grumbles back “oh shut up you fag.”
A grandmother two tables overhears this and in shock stands up and walks over to Devin, “Excuse me young man but I will have you know my grandson is gay and I find that term offensive.”
Travis starts laughing on his end having heard the interaction. He announces through the video call “Hey you old coot, I am gay. Him calling me that is okay. I’ve given him honorary homosexual bashing rights. You can look that up of Wikifag.com. There is a complete listing of all honorary members, including if they are circumcised, their girth, if they shave themselves or not. I’d be careful though cause quite a few of them are real dicks.”
The lady gets all huffy and storms off.
Devin is trying his best not to laugh out loud, “You are such a bastard.”
Travis grumbles back, “So now you’re going PC on me too? Call me a dick like you want.”
“Okay, you’re a dick.”
Travis grins, “You’re right, I am what I eat.”
They continue their conversation over a story and that is when the hot chick sits down at the same table grumpy lady just vacated. He starts trying to figure out a way to introduce himself having spotted no ring and seeing how she is carrying a book by Bernie Sanders.
Travis and Devin start to finish their chat when Travis says aloud, “Okay love you snookums and same time next week?”
Devin grunts as he looks over towards the lady to see if she overheard. Travis picks up on this too and asks, “Who is there now?”
“Nobody, catch you next week-”
“No no no no no! It’s the pair of legs isn’t it? I wondered what’s been averting your eyes.” He starts shouting “Hey pretty lady my friend here, Devin, wants to introduce himself to you!” Travis adds in a lower tone, “Oh if this one works out promise me I can be a bridesmaid.”
The lady, laughing, turns and faces Devin.
The above, with some red underline spelling corrections, is what came out of my mind and in that exact same order.
Now we get to see how well I polish up this turd 😛
I need to wipe my butt and crawl back into bed and hope I can fall back asleep.