December 30 2015


So I wrote the following lineĀ in my blog earlier today which read “Now if you will excuse me I must pretend to interact with him as he dumps his play garbage cans for the eleventity billionith time.”

I realized, only after the fact, that to some people that can make me come off as a complete ass. I would like to delve further into that viewpoint and point out the definition of insanity which according to the Albert Einstein via the website it is “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Is my child insane? Am I insane for even suggesting this? Do I not go to work each and every day (no I’m not including weekends for the smart asses out there) expecting myself to…. do what exactly? Have enough money to get by and make my family and myself comfortable? All the while I’m inching closer and closer to the day I die hoping that maybe, just maybe, one of those lottery tickets, or some other miracle, is going to pay off?


I did call my son crazy but you know what? Look at the source and tell me not to throw glass cause I too live in a rock house- err- or something like that.




Posted 2015/12/30 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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