June 18 2024

7 Months and 8 Years ago.


I don’t know what to say. It’s been seven months since my last post.


My head is swirling with thoughts. How about I just spit it out.

Okay, here we go…

We’ve had two more deaths in the family.


I’ve been working at trying to clear out a house of memorabilia so we can sell it.
Can you guess where my time has gone?


I’m still working on “A New Day” but my pace has slowed significantly.


Rambling transition here…

Last week I caught a video by Neil deGrasse Tyson about peer review. Ya know, what he said is also true about peer review groups.

It’s probably not all that interesting unless you are into him, or self-awareness, or things that happened 8 years ago. If that is not you, move along, there is nothing to see.


What else.


I’ve stopped working on my book’s epilogue as it is no longer what it was intended to be. It will now be merged into the rest of the book as another section. This of course caused a new idea to bloom in my mind which will now be the true epilogue. That I have yet to start but the idea is dangling there in my mind’s eye.


Alright then, I got nothing else to say right now.


Tootles all.

Posted 2024/06/18 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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