Singing my song here
Brandon Sanderson just posted a video on youtube.
In it, he states one completely obvious rule (hint: read the text in the picture).
My life doesn’t work that way. Anytime I try and sneak away and do some writing, some disaster spontaneously erupts out among my inept family.
Did anyone read the other post I made today about my son throwing me under the bus?
Yes, technically I was trying to clean out my garage, but you get the idea. I am honestly surprised he didn’t shat himself and scream about him being stuck in his own shat.
Another example, take this last Saturday night. I drop my fifteen-year-old daughter off at her high school for a dance. The wife ordered some pizzas for pickup from a local place but they were busy, it was Saturday night after all. So I pull into the pizza parking lot and shut down the car and unzip…
My backpack.
I unzip my backpack.
… pull out my laptop and bring up the piece I was working on. Not two minutes in, after reading the prior paragraphs so as to refresh where I had last left off, my phone buzzes. I unlock my phone to see the dance is a bust and she now needs a ride home. I pack up my things and kiss a half-hour of bliss goodbye.
Is it too much to ask for these kinds of moments where I can get some time to myself?
Brandon… I like you. I really do.
But in the most lovingly sarcastic way, bite me.
You get time… I hate you right now.
Ohhh… I’m adding this to the bitch pile. While I was finishing up this post my Daughter called me into the kitchen asking for my help in holding the colander so she separate out the pasta she had boiled. I looked into the sink and noticed it had a bowl and a cup in it which is why she needed help holding the colander since there wasn’t room.
I reach into the sink and pull out the bowl and cup and say “You couldn’t do that?”
Her response… “Ohh…”
I live with idiots.
Loveable inept idiots.
I work full time. I have a house, wife, kids+bonus kids. Stuff keeps pulling me in every direction.
This is why I can’t write nice things…